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  1. smokinbones420

    2nd Grow, 1st Organic/Indoor, Using The Ocean Around Me..

    Hello everyone, thought I would get on here to post about my 1st organic grow, and really, looking for any suggestions that can keep it truly natural. I dont want to use anything store bought, except for all of the necessity of an indoor grow.. I live right next to the ocean, so I feel like this...
  2. smokinbones420

    Male Or Female???

    No!..but then, theres still some hope..=)
  3. smokinbones420

    Male Or Female???

    yea, thats where im seeing these things. so i guess i just gotta wait n see for sure myself or get a new camera lol..
  4. smokinbones420

    Male Or Female???

    idk. can a stipule be like, in the "elbow" of the plant? well, well see. it cant be too much longer.
  5. smokinbones420

    Shorter Plants?..

    j ust decided to post some pics. its about time to tell whether its male or female, im thinking its a female. its only been about 4 days since the last pics i posted.\
  6. smokinbones420

    Male Or Female???

    ok, my plants about 3 weeks or so, n im starting to see these little slender things that seem to split at the end, right at the beginning of the nodes.sorry, my camera is shit n it wont zoom in close enough to get a clear image of what im seeing. just wondering if its even possible to tell now...
  7. smokinbones420

    Shorter Plants?..

    n manditroy, yea i feel the same way about mine. just about every day theres a new set of leaves coming out, n theyre huge after just a couple days.
  8. smokinbones420

    Diablo OG

    Gettin some Diablo OG seeds soon, just wondering, if anyones grown them b4, n how it smokes! theyre getting mailed to me today, so they should show up sometime soon.
  9. smokinbones420

    Shorter Plants?..

    haha yea. i try to get on every so often n see whats new, try to find some new info on how to get better with growin.everytime i do i try to upload a couple more pics if the plants grown alot. im keepin a journal, thats got a few more pics i think.
  10. smokinbones420


    right now im using a single CFL n its doing pretty good for now. But i know its going to get bigger n a single CFL just wont give me the yield that i want. i was wondering what good lighting i can use. n im on a serious budget. im looking to buy about 4 fluourescents tho. Just any tips on what...
  11. smokinbones420

    My 1st grow..

    n its been sprouted for a lil less than 3 weeks now gopherbuddha
  12. smokinbones420

    birth mark or something?

    you can see it much better in the 1st pic on the lower leaf, about the middle and to the side of the leaf. all the other leaves look normal.
  13. smokinbones420

    birth mark or something?

    its about 6 inches tall. i really think its just a wierd leaf. i can try to post a pic, but its not drooping, its just a wierd tweak in my leaf.
  14. smokinbones420

    My 1st grow..

    haha i get what ur saying. havent logged on in a while, but the plant is growing again!=) im very excited
  15. smokinbones420

    My lil Baby.

    if ya got any more tips for me please go ahead.
  16. smokinbones420

    My lil Baby.

    heres some more pics! can tell the difference a lil bit. grown another node. n growin mighty fast!
  17. smokinbones420

    Shorter Plants?..

    so far its doing really well. i tried growing it outside, n it seems like its doing better now.
  18. smokinbones420

    why is my bud growing so damn slow!?!?

    5 gallon bucket is good,
  19. smokinbones420

    why is my bud growing so damn slow!?!?

    a new pot is only like 3 bucks.. you can prolly get a 5 gallon bucket for even less.