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  1. tylerabraham

    Something is wrong *HELP*

    here is what it looks like now, the purple in the last picture is just the strain of kush, all the stems are purple too. i got the seeds from killer that all the leaves were purple . but the bud wasnt lol
  2. tylerabraham

    Something is wrong *HELP*

    the leaves just keep geting worse and worse, all the edges are turning yellow and brown and the tips of the leaves are curling up and drying out! i flushed out the pot with like 2 water bottles of water and it all drained, but it keeps getting worse
  3. tylerabraham

    Something is wrong *HELP*

    i gave it some nitrogen cause the bottom leaves were going yellow. its like a 3-1-2
  4. tylerabraham

    One plant is drooping a lot, 2 weeks in, thoughts?

    you need more light. thats why its so long and stretchy .
  5. tylerabraham

    Something is wrong *HELP*

    seedlings bro
  6. tylerabraham

    Something is wrong *HELP*

    something is wrong with the edges of my plant, they are starting to curl up a bit and turn brown. i used normal potting soil and there is good drainage. i have 3 42 watt cfls over it . HELP PLEASE :wall: here are some pictures :
  7. tylerabraham

    First time outdoors

    females bro
  8. tylerabraham

    Beautiful Sweet Leaf & Sunshine

    looking goooood !
  9. tylerabraham

    rd116 Outdoor 2011

    holy fuck, nice plants those are looking great !!
  10. tylerabraham

    Assist, taking so long

    looks good, maybe move electrical cords so when you spray them with water you dont electrocute yourself lol
  11. tylerabraham

    Help!!! Whats Wrong With My PLANT!!=[

    she looks hungry, try giving it some nutes. might also be over watering.
  12. tylerabraham

    F$*k you spidermites...f$*k you!!

    no doubt ahahahaha
  13. tylerabraham

    F$*k you spidermites...f$*k you!!

    i bought this insecticide soap from home depot, it got rid of my spider mites . and it was only 3$ !!
  14. tylerabraham

    Having problems...Please help

    sounds like you over watered them, dont water your plants everyday. they dont like it wait for the soil to go dry and water it every other day.
  15. tylerabraham

    worried about leaves on plant ..

    i am pretty sure my plant is done now. im not sure what happened to it, it just started going down hill about a week and a half ago. what would of caused the leaves to do this ?
  16. tylerabraham

    *help* dying plants, no clue what is wrong *help* - pics included

    im just gonna use water for a while, the soil is light. not heavy . they plants are looking like they are coming back to there healthy state, i will just give it a few days and see what happens .
  17. tylerabraham

    ecstasy homer simpson and transformers

    i did some blue transformers, tripple stacked. there were amazing hahaha. such a good roll. hada few shots, madeit eve better. happy new years 2010 hahahaha
  18. tylerabraham

    brown spot on base of seedling 1 week old

    yes, please post a picture.