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  1. K

    Your getting high ritual !

    Pack bowl, pull out book, take a hit. Cough. Contemplate, read some, take another hit... When it is finished: slap the ashes out, pocket everything, rinse mouth with water.
  2. K

    I made a cannabis comic.

  3. K

    I made a cannabis comic.

    Thanks guys. I fucking love checking this thread when baked. Makes me laugh so hard I forget what was funny...:
  4. K

    I made a cannabis comic.

    I love you guys. Have another comic <-- link (sadly, not mine). Post yours if you got 'em :)
  5. K

    I made a cannabis comic.

    I'm glad someone else gets it. you, sir, must be stoned :leaf:
  6. K


    About to get stoned and watch Insheeption now. :D
  7. K

    I made a cannabis comic. I don't know. I'm baked
  8. K

    Can other plants be grown with your CFL?

    It's impossible to grow pretty much anything outdoors here, and I've always wanted to have a little indoor garden, but all the plants I look at seem to need HID lighting... but do you think one could possibly stick them in one's CFL setup and have them grow as well? I might try growing some...
  9. K

    Best color temperature/combination

    Yeah, I meant 3/4 blue (i.e., three blue bulbs) and the rest (1/4) red (one red bulb) - though reading back, that isn't clear at all! Thanks; if I were ever to do a grow, this would be the combination I would use. :) What is T5? I wouldn't want to use HPS due to the heat, I think. And...
  10. K

    Best color temperature/combination

    Thanks y'all. So you guys think a 3/4 blue/red would be good for veg, and the opposite for flowering?
  11. K

    Best color temperature/combination

    Thanks! 'Fraid not on the pics, at least not yet. My friend is interested in growing, you see... :D I forgot to ask if three 26w CFLs were going to be enough for, say, two plants. I'm thinking maybe four would be better, and doing a 3/4 ratio...? I've heard 50w/sq ft is good.
  12. K

    Best color temperature/combination

    I'm wondering what would be best if one was limited to using CFLs. I read here on Rollitup that 6500K is best for vegetative growth and 2700K (IIRC) for flowering, but what if one had two 6500K lights and one 2700K for vegetative, and two 2700K and one 6500K for flowering? I can't find a...
  13. K

    Pick your poison....

    Anyone who likes opiates can't be all bad.
  14. K


    Right on. Excellent tutorials... and holy shit pic. :D Bookmarked.
  15. K

    :Joint: Tokin'

    How much do you guys usually smoke in a session? I generally only take a couple hits, but I see people say stuff like "3rd bowl" all the time. :shock:
  16. K

    Pick your poison....

    Can't believe so few picked opiates and so many picked alcohol!
  17. K

    Rastaman Folk Tales

    Some awesome Russian stories that I love to read baked. Sometimes they make no sense at all but upon smoking more and thinking more I forgot to be confused. Here is a good one to start on. With a good moral, too. :eyesmoke:
  18. K


    Just a simple introduction thread. :) This looks like it's quickly going to become my favorite community.