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  1. Bsmoke78

    Lighs stayed on during flowering

    Well you want her to go big that’s the whole plan
  2. Bsmoke78

    AK47 auto day 22

    Looks over watered a little bit
  3. Bsmoke78

    First Grow, amnesia haze

    No way mine are 2000 watts and are only 280 actual
  4. Bsmoke78

    First Grow, amnesia haze

    Mama m confused you said first grow but her sisters are almost done hmmmm:roll:
  5. Bsmoke78

    Lighs stayed on during flowering

    When she gets big moving her around like that your probably going to break something or piss her off, just buy some thick black trash bags and put in window. I use a tarp in my guest room window now our growroom lol and it’s a big ass window not a drop of light coming in
  6. Bsmoke78

    How does she look

    Welcome to RIU, What strain are you growing?
  7. Bsmoke78

    Girl not flowering

    Probably got a nightlight right next to it lol
  8. Bsmoke78

    Left my lights on?

    No big deal just don’t do again lol
  9. Bsmoke78

    Left my lights on?

    Same schedule
  10. Bsmoke78

    Left my lights on?

    Your ok
  11. Bsmoke78

    How are they doing in flowering?

    Yea man I would say this grow will be a learning exp those nugs will get a little fatter but light was needed earlier but be glad your doing auto I guess
  12. Bsmoke78

    Please help!

    Looks like you got some nute burn and you need to do some trimming
  13. Bsmoke78

    How are they doing in flowering?

    What light are you using? and they are way to far
  14. Bsmoke78

    Are my girls looking good

    Your good, But you got a long way ahead you just started the car lol, And watch the spray your water is dirty I can see build up on leaves. I would keep ph on low side for now also.
  15. Bsmoke78

    Mutant cola

    Thinking same thing thanks
  16. Bsmoke78


    How big is tent? go bigger when get to flowering
  17. Bsmoke78

    What is this?

    How long have they been flowering