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  1. T

    Flowering, but losing leaves DAILY. help!

    Ive been looking...cant find anything though...could it be below the soil?
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    Flowering, but losing leaves DAILY. help!

    Lol yea they say the corn sweats which causes heat and humidity... So i water about every 2-3 days. Yes letting them dry out (as far as i can tell) between waterings. Feeding once per week. They seem light to me even after being watered. Lol. Im gonna feed this evening. After i do im gonna...
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    Flowering, but losing leaves DAILY. help!

    How about this one...
  4. T

    Flowering, but losing leaves DAILY. help!

    Gotcha thanks for the tips! Planning to feed this evening. Im on the east coast and were dealing with some of that Corn Sweat currently. Like 95° today. After upper 70s last week ‍♂️
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    Flowering, but losing leaves DAILY. help!

    So im doing an outdoor grow. 5 gal pot. Im about 4 weeks into flower. No clue what strain she is. But she is losing leaves like CRAZY. they turn VERY pale yellow, then brown up and fall off. Should i be concerned? Or is this just the plant telling me its coming to an end? No clue if its a Photo...
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    Lead seporia? Help!

    Still havent found any of them...and still losing branches...maybe a grub or something eating my roots?? Heres more recent pics...
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    Lead seporia? Help!

    Just started showing white hairs in the pistils. Switched from my veg nutes to a bloom nute. Im seeing alot of brown spots and then the leaves dying and turning yellow and brown before falling off. Is this leaf seporia? And if so, what do i do? It also looks like an entire branch has been...
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    Cant tell if male or female. Please help!

    Here newer photos...
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    Cant tell if male or female. Please help!

    Here newer photos...
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    Outdoor grow. Just hit flower. Leaves turning pale yellow and then dying...

    Thanks! Appreciate the insight. Makes sense!
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    Outdoor grow. Just hit flower. Leaves turning pale yellow and then dying...

    Both plants have been in these pots since around june 1st. I feed every monday evening, alternating between these... Where i live has been EXTREMELY dry and hot, and the last week-10 days has been much more wet and humid. Wondering if that could be it also...
  12. T

    Outdoor grow. Just hit flower. Leaves turning pale yellow and then dying...

    So ive just hit flowering and am noticing alot of leaves turning a very pale yellow and browning at the tips. Then i eventually lose them altogether. Is this a sign to switch nutes from veg to bloom ? Over watering? Humudity issues? PH? HELP PLEASE! LOL
  13. T

    Cant tell if male or female. Please help!

    Ok heres most recent pics from this afternoon. The second i can tell is deff a female...the first in the black pot still not sure about...also, whats the discoloration of lower inner fan leaves all about? Ive lost a few leaves and worried to lose more! Seems to be happening to both...
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    Cant tell if male or female. Please help!

    I have not done any calcium or magnesium..
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    Cant tell if male or female. Please help!

    I just fed it twice what it normally gets, the night before...
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    Cant tell if male or female. Please help!

    Ok. So now a few days later ive got this going on...smh...
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    Cant tell if male or female. Please help!

    Ok. Thanks all! Ill try to grab some better pics in a few days. Im on the east coast mid atlantic. Been a dry, HOTTT season. Bit of stress, so could show both...‍♂️
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    Cant tell if male or female. Please help!

    Lol yea i tried. My stupid phone has a scratch on the photo lens. Ill try and grab a few more though
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    Cant tell if male or female. Please help!

    Just looking for some better eyes to see if these babys are male or female. Thinking the brighter green is female and darker male...thoughts? Need another week or so to determine??
  20. T

    Bud Rot? If so, what to do?

    Shes dried and curing. Other than the 2 early rots i cut out there has been no issues. Did a small sample smoke. Honestly bettr than some of the rec theyre selling here. Cheers!