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  1. R

    Help please

    Last year about 1/3 were troubled This year same so far
  2. R

    Help please

    I have plants with same soil and nutes and they are looking good
  3. R

    Help please

    Outdoor grow Coast of main soil jacks 20/20/20 nutes Thanks for your help
  4. R

    Help please

    Any idea what this is It happened last year too Plants look good till bud time then start doing this
  5. R


  6. R


    The problem is when you water it runs out if the soil and seems to pass right past the soil without it getting wet
  7. R


    What is the deal with some of these potting souls (foxfarm especially) You can water the hell out of it and then when you dig in only the top is wet whats undernesth is dryer than a popcorn fart Also when you water established plAnts the water sits on top as if there is some surface tension that...
  8. R

    Is there a place

    Is thrre a site that has a data base of canabis leaves showing and explaining nutrition water pest and any other problems plants could have Hopefully with pictures I get confused due to conflictting info Too much water leaves wilt Not enough water leaves wilt Too much fert leaves turn yellow Not...
  9. R

    Posting again got no answers

    All the other plants are a different strain only one is the purple and only that one giving me issues
  10. R

    Posting again got no answers

    the strain are seeds i got from a freind he said it was a big purple sativa grown at a college i saw the weed last year and it was the most purple i have ever seen
  11. R

    Posting again got no answers

    They are in a raised bed and water did not help tgem much Here are more pics
  12. R

    Posting again got no answers

    yes very humid Anythig i can do to fix Should i cut all the droppy stuff off
  13. R

    Posting again got no answers

    I have a few plants in my garden All get same light, water ,nutes all doing good One of them has something going on with the tops any ideas It has been extremely hot and dry in ny this summer Also the same plant has some leaves coming in white. Not mildew . The leaves are white not green Any ideas
  14. R

    Pigment of leaves white

    I have a few plants in my garden All get same light, water ,nutes all doing good One of them has something going on with the tops any ideas It has been extremely hot and dry in ny this summer Also the same plant has some leaves coming in white. Not mildew . The leaves are white not green Any...
  15. R

    continue with the jacks 20-20-20 another week

    Just starting to pistal up and stretch
  16. R

    continue with the jacks 20-20-20 another week

    Should i continue with the jacks 20-20-20 another week Or is it time to switch to the bloom booster
  17. R

    When to switch nutes

    Growing outdoors in ny and need to know how to know when to switch from veg nutes to flower nutes so i dont have any problems Thanks in advance Bob v
  18. R

    Place to buy clones online in NY state (not legal yet)

    I think it was a one day event I’ve never seen clones there before but you can call them and ask
  19. R

    Please help curling leaves

    Yes the ph was 6.7 and the ppm was 350 If i did it correctly
  20. R

    Please help curling leaves

    Will it recover ok