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  1. V


    i had a friend in college. her mom was also schitz. very hard to understand. she tried to off herself while in school, i grabbed my then girlfriend’s car - picked her up and got her stomach pumped. not a fun day. she was in her late 50’s when she did the deed. i miss her. on trip out to...
  2. V

    Eating raw cannabis

    sorry….must really need this t-break. deleted.
  3. V

    Any love for vaping through water?

    i prefer water with my vapes. a plenty:
  4. V

    Cultivation/Possession compliance

    yea, the cards do not exclude one-another…. each county issues ccw the state issues the mmcard they will only ‘care’ when you don’t do what they ’care’ about…
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    Dispensary Strains

    it has been hit and miss at missouri dispenceries. i use the dispenceries for “off’ stuff…. for instance, my wife enjoys christopher elbow infussed bon-bons. i have another great friend who also enjoys them. my purchases are for these and an occasional 3.5g of something new or unheard of or...
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    it was pretty painless. my wife also was pushing me to get my card. we both medicate but the wife still works in the education world so she does not have her card. she did not want me gettin‘ yanked out of the car and tossed in jail over a ”seed on the floorboard” i have not grown yet but i...
  7. V

    How long did it take you to get your card in MO

    three weeks for card with culti. i am due again in february, thanks for the reminder!
  8. V

    Lecithin - how much?

    thanks Hobbes! Just what the doctor ordered!
  9. V

    Lecithin - how much?

    I have been eating several types of flower and really enjoy the relaxation. I use liquid sunflower lecithin and would like to know if there is a “rule of thumb” as to how much to use per gram or ML? Thank you and Happy New Year!
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    Infused coconut oil with Instant Pot 11 in 1.

    for decarb or infuse….i use my ‘instapot’ knock-off pressure cooker. from 1g to several several ozs….placed in mason jar(s). a small canning rack keeps the glass off the bottom. use the canning mode….in 20 min all decarbed or (if you have added oil to your mason jar when you put in the flower...
  11. V

    Happy thread :)

    thanks for the pics....i lived in laramie for five years and appreciate it's beauty.
  12. V

    WTF is up with my tolerance? Anyone else experience this? Or maybe you're an expert caregiver that can advise?

    it seems to me....(no science here) ... that by "switching it up" i can stay medicated without going thru mass quantities or have to live with and feed a thru-the-roof tolerance. i switch strains AND i switch methods of intake. my daily driver is the solo 2....i can accurately measure my...