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  1. G

    Hey I’m going to post some pictures of these choice females. Does anyone have and final tips and or suggestions before harvest?

    What kinda light are you using? They look stretched as hell with small tops, and dark purple stems as well. Something must have gone wrong?
  2. G


    What i mean by water cloning is where you're clone just sits in water alone so no soil or anything, just pure water.
  3. G

    8weeks into flower but the bud looks like she is into her 4th week

    Fabric pot are the way to go for sure. Been using them for the first time now with some clones and they grow like crazy with a much faster root growth and watering is so much easier compared to plastic pots.
  4. G


    Unless you're water cloning you should always have a dome for the first few days and shorten some of the leave by 40-50% so they won't sweat so much.
  5. G

    8weeks into flower but the bud looks like she is into her 4th week

    Some pictures would be nice along with some more info. What kinda lights? What strain? Weather conditions like temp and humidity? Soil or cocos? What EC and PH are you using? So many different thing that could be wrong.
  6. G

    Burnt tips diagnosis how to fix?

    Definitely check on that. "most" nutrient problems start by having the wrong PH levels.
  7. G

    Yellowing leaves

    PH on soil should be between 6.5and 7.0 for best results.
  8. G

    Making a mother?

    T These are Gelat OG clones from a clone from a feminised seeds plants that i'm growing currently This is how i usually keep strains a live that i really like. Some strains are really picky tho and can turn hermie if you stress them to much so be careful about that.
  9. G

    First time with an auto, and boy is it flowering early

    Tried autoflowers once and will never do so again. 1, it's impossible to control growth and flower period meaning a lot of the times you'll have plants off all different heights making optimal lighting a lot more difficult. 2, small mistake can have huge side effects. 3, impossible to clone...
  10. G

    Yellowing leaves

    Yeah i highly recommend fabric pots. It takes getting used to a bit at first tho. You have to water pretty slow at first otherwise it will run out everywhere bit once you have a good rooting system and pour it in slowly it will drain perfectly. Another tip is to make sure the edges are a bit...
  11. G

    Any idea what this is?

    Well i got feminised seeds so that won't be an issue. How big did you're plants eventually get and what was the average yield using that system?
  12. G

    Yellowing leaves

    Better to use fabric pots the next time. Been using them for the first time since 4,5 weeks and these things are amazing, overwatering is next to impossible. Where i used to almost always have issues using plastic pots haven't had a single issue using fabric pots. Just have to water more...
  13. G

    Any idea what this is?

    Well if it's a Mg deficiency that problem should be solved soon seeing i already started giving them calmg from aptus since 2 feedings seeing i read about it being need more under COBS.
  14. G

    Any idea what this is?

    This room will actually be mixed soon using 800 watts HPS ad 400 watts LED. Waiting on a few things like mylar films and new fabric pots for my 23 White Widow seeds and an air cooler as well seeing i'm going to need it once i turn on the HPS lights. You got an answer for this as well perhaps...
  15. G

    Any idea what this is?

    Thanks for the advice, first time growing under cobs and never seen it under HPS so was kinda wondering what it could be.
  16. G

    Any idea what this is?

    Could make sense seeing it's only happening on the higher leaves and not the lower ones. Would you recommend hanging the lamps a bit higher or doesn't it hurt to much? It's been like this for a few days already and it doesn't seem to get any worse.
  17. G

    Burnt tips diagnosis how to fix?

    Don't know about the second picture but the other one's look like to much nutes and therefore start burning. How long do they have to go? What's you're current EC and PH? Could perhaps be a build up do to a wrong PH level.
  18. G

    Discoloration on leafs

    If you look closely you can see it on several leaves actually when zooming in. Weird lighter colored spots. Will be following seeing i'm curious what it could be as well.
  19. G

    First grow help

    No idea about the first 3 but the 4th pictures looks to be a N toxicity. Fan leaves are DARK green and the top leaves are curled down like a claw. I do know that the first thing you have to do is heck you're run off on both EC and PH. Filter your run of water first using a coffee filter or...
  20. G

    Any idea what this is?

    I got 9 clones from the same mother plant that have some strange coloring on the leaves. They started out really bad seeing i kinda forgot about them. This is 4 weeks later These are the strange coloring on the leaves. They stand under 4x97watt cree 3590 4000k distance of about 80 cm...