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  1. M


    Here are few pics of Double Stuffed Sorbet at day 36F. Cheers!
  2. M


    Im starting to think small pots if timed correctly can steer the plant into flowering more quickly after flip and shorten internodal spacing. More bud sites , less space. Of course this would only work with coco or rockwool. And you have to be flooding every couple hours.
  3. M


    I am currently growing someone else's cut of double stuffed sorbet. At day 22 she is lookin' mighty fine. Smells pretty nice too. Sweet and Spicy. She has been a totally hassle free, well structured plant. She was eager to get her flower on and she seems "ahead of schedule". I will try to get a...
  4. M

    Help!!! What am I doing wrong with these plants????

    Yeah I agree with the above statement- if you have a tent - once your plants are big enough and fill the tent the presence of the plants will up the humidity just by existing. Although i’m not sure it applies to you as you’ve got a ton of plants not sure if You have a tent Regarding the...
  5. M


    @thecosmicgoat : I never saw any crinkled leaf phenos out of the 8 beans of NL x C99 I have popped.
  6. M

    Help!!! What am I doing wrong with these plants????

    Atmospheric conditions are a huge deal indoors dude. Particulary with soil in my opinion. I would make sure that your VPD is in check. VPD or Vapour Pressure Deficit is sort of just a fancy way if saying “relationship between temp and humidity”. This relationship needs to be sussed out as part...
  7. M


    Looking great dude! You mentioned a couple pages back that you used screw-in LEDs. What is the make/model and spectrum? Thanks!
  8. M


    Damn, that’s a good deal. So many beans, so little time. I wonder why Mike has n’t done BBxC99? I’ve been super busy so I have n’t had time to post cured bud picks of my NLx C99. I’m currently running a cut of my NL99 #7 again in 1/4 of my 3x3 scrog along with someone else’s keeper cuts of...
  9. M

    Help!!! What am I doing wrong with these plants????

    Hey GJ, Saw this over in the peak forum. It does n’t look like cal mag to me... but my choice for fast acting Cal Mag in canada is nature’s nectar cal mag. It’s pretty much organic - just not sure if it carry’s the rating. I’ve used it in soil and coco DTW, but would not recommend for a...
  10. M


    @Cwrighty9420 : In all seriousness- thanks for posting the pics. Very helpful. Cheers!
  11. M


    What are your thoughts on flushing? are you going to flush? LOL!
  12. M


    Yeah peak does nt strike me as the type to do S1’s. Still- it would be cool to see the pk bx’d several generations.
  13. M


    Both are very mild smelling overall. Their smell growing isnt similar, to the hung up to dry smell, or to the cured bud smell. Pheno #1 growing= artifical orange smell plus floral scents Pheno# 1 hung up to dry = Speed Stick original scent deodarant with a bit of artifical orange scent Pheno# 1...
  14. M


    Thanks dude! Yeah i’m pretty happy with these. I’m still going to hold these cuts for future grows. I wonder about temps and trich production. These plants spent most of their flowering lives at 68-70f day time temps and 65f night time temps. I think this strain really hit it good at those...
  15. M


    I am running 3 x qb288 v2s. 2 x 3000k and 1 4000k right down the middle. Not cheap but very easy on the hydro bill- and they run cool too. Cheers!
  16. M


    Massively helpful bro! Thanks!
  17. M


    My 2 NL x C99 girls are coming down tonight. They wont live to see day 67. Here are some closeups taken last night @ day 66. I am not set up to harvest plants separately- If I was I could have taken pheno #1 at about 60 days. And I could have let pheno # 7 go until 70 days. #1 would sort of be...
  18. M


    Also going to throw a bump in here. @jollyboy: How may days did the Double stuffed sorbet take to finish up? Did she stretch much? How was the end product? I was given a couple of cuts of Double stuffed sorbet about 2 weeks ago along with a couple cuts of 501st OG. Just trying figure out my...
  19. M

    GreenHighlander's Basic Medical Grow Part III

    Your not messing around with that new flower tent lol! Are those 2 1000’s ?
  20. M


    So Funny I’ve often described pheno hunting as looking for the “ wayne gretzky” plant. And yeah it dawned on me that keeping cuts of MJ’s work is a make work project. I’ve followed enough threads to see people pull Consistent, uniform results out of c99, northern skunk, and northernberry . I am...