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  1. burnbluntz12312

    Cannarado genetics

    Wish I had some further along ladies to brag about, sadly all are babies at the moment. This is an Uber (Chem D x Sundae Driver) at 7 days since sprout. I had some issues with a new LED and these little ones getting rather leggy this run. Next time the light will get dropped lower and maybe even...
  2. burnbluntz12312

    Cannarado genetics

    Made my first order with Treestars for the Thug pug/Secret Society collab. No issues, shipping was slightly longer than most, but honestly, no complaints I wasn't popping immediately anyways. Hope that settles your mind a little, I'm the same way on my virgin run with a bank.
  3. burnbluntz12312

    Get To Growin!!!

    I like to soak until germination then I put them in Happy Frog.
  4. burnbluntz12312

    Crane City Cannabis/Genetics

    Have you opened the GAF freebies yet? Mine came with 5 or so.
  5. burnbluntz12312

    Cannarado genetics

    Seed you've been holding on to or clone?
  6. burnbluntz12312

    Cannarado genetics

    Here's one I have not heard or seen much about, looking forward to watching her grow. This is a Tartufo seedling on day 3 since sprouting. Got a little leggy under some new lights, but, live and learn.
  7. burnbluntz12312

    Cannarado genetics

    Wish I had one or two to grow with you! Good luck on the grow!
  8. burnbluntz12312

    To harvest or not to harvest? That is the question.

    Yeah, still some time to go. Plenty of white pistils still showing and I would expect the calyxes to bulk up a bit as harvest nears.
  9. burnbluntz12312

    seeds won't germinate

    Sounds like bad seeds... I'm sure you're more than competent and with getting that many seeds wet even the most unlucky person would have one or two at least germinate. How does the saying go? Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once once in a while? Don't give up, sounds like bad/old seeds. Get...
  10. burnbluntz12312

    420 GIVEAWAY - Inkbird WiFi ITC-308 Temp Controller!

    USA Have one already, need another for a second tent!
  11. burnbluntz12312

    Weird deformities on my plants

    That first plant does have an odd brown spot on it, almost a little burn looking. The second one in question looks like genetics. It's odd to me as the symptoms don't even appear similar in the photos.
  12. burnbluntz12312

    Cannarado genetics

    Got Got a pack of that Apple Shine hoping to find a haze leaning keeper in there myself. Fingers crossed that's a sleeper pack that I can show off in a bit.
  13. burnbluntz12312

    Inkbird Temp Controller

    I purchased an Inkbird ITC-308 digital temp. controller and noticed the face is continuously lit. I usually cover or mark black all small lights. Anyone use an Inkbird and have an idea to cover that won't affect the thermostat? Thinking maybe covering with a paper bag?
  14. burnbluntz12312

    FedEx Shooting

    Mother nature has a real knack at putting things back in balance, and she will.
  15. burnbluntz12312

    FedEx Shooting

    How and to what extent is a tough question at this point in time in our society I fear. Just how do you remove millions of firearms, magazines, silencers, bump stocks, extenders or whatever accessory from the hands of law abiding gun owners? If that happens, be you for or against gun ownership...
  16. burnbluntz12312

    Unsure what to try to save my girls, pls help guys

    They look worth finishing to me. A little foxtailing can be normal (in the genetics). Those look like healthy, frosty flowers that I would see through, especially at this point. I don't see any signs of excess nitrogen such as leaf curling or leaf tips burning so I'm not leaning to that being an...
  17. burnbluntz12312

    Crane City Cannabis/Genetics

    This is getting out of control now.
  18. burnbluntz12312

    Spider Farmer 420 Giveaway, Let‘s Get It !!!!

    USA - 123 Thanks for the opportunity, @Spiderfarmerled
  19. burnbluntz12312

    Two Winners of Viparspectra 420 Giveaway

    I'd love the chance @ViparSpectra Grower.
  20. burnbluntz12312

    Will New York finally do it?

    Haha, damn, you got me. Good thing I don't eat raw tomatoes.