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  1. Kentucky_Thunder

    Newbie tricome question for pros...

    I was referring to the ambering as lightly toasted, because thats what some of them are looking like, to describe just how ambered they are, not like dark, just kind of light, like toasted looking is all... sorry about the terminology...
  2. Kentucky_Thunder

    Newbie tricome question for pros...

    But whats weird is, I check them in the morning, and looks like ambering has gone away and gone back to milky or even clear? is this normal? Not all the bud sites and not the entire bud, but sections I know were ambering at night, then in morning just doesnt look as lightly toasted?
  3. Kentucky_Thunder

    Newbie tricome question for pros...

    Actually I got a celestron and its really nice. taking picies with it and zooming in isnt the greatest, so what I do is try and find "sections" on both plants, such as the one on left, start at top and take two photos and theyll be titled in count down when uploading to computer as such "LTF"...
  4. Kentucky_Thunder

    Newbie tricome question for pros...

    I honeastly never knew this. This was one of this "I heard from a friend" kind of things and never could get a true answer or anything... I dont take much stock in that "friend"s advice one being he claimed soon as you see your first orange hair "pistil" your about ready to harvest... but Im...
  5. Kentucky_Thunder

    Newbie tricome question for pros...

    I was thinking that, and like to, but was afraid of them hermaphroditing. I just heard how they can hermie if left to long before harvest due to stress... Still learning... Thanks for the help! :)
  6. Kentucky_Thunder

    Newbie tricome question for pros...

    I finally got around to growing, started off with two northern lights auto fem. I keep the light at 18/6hr, 600 viparspectra, I know they say theres better but this was cheap and seems to work out good for me so far... My question is about the tricomes as I cant seem to find anything that is...
  7. Kentucky_Thunder

    Foxfarm ocean forest and coco coir

    Yeah, GMO's are all bad... Thank GOD for natural stuff like... poison ivy...
  8. Kentucky_Thunder

    Health Canada 'build first' policy a blow to craft cannabis industry: critics

    Not a bad idea, my dad loves beaches and ocean. Long story short, this house we live in is the house they bought together "dad and step mother" when she died, brings back alot of memories he dont wanna leave if that makes any sense? But the money part is a huge issue too, so I just got to keep...
  9. Kentucky_Thunder

    Health Canada 'build first' policy a blow to craft cannabis industry: critics

    I wish I could. Im on total disability so not much money to beable to relocate. Plus, my father wouldnt want to either, and hes along with my pup are my life. Im 50, moved back with him after his wife passed away so we kind of help each other out. But if I had the money and knew he was cool...
  10. Kentucky_Thunder

    Health Canada 'build first' policy a blow to craft cannabis industry: critics

    Im in constant f*king pain and cant take their big pharm pain meds, Im actually severely allergic to their pain meds. MJ is the only pain relief I got, yet they hammer on this. For a routine surgery, I died twice on the table then in a 14 day coma. They went thru 18 units of blood to try and...
  11. Kentucky_Thunder

    Health Canada 'build first' policy a blow to craft cannabis industry: critics

    still kind of new here but been away for awhile. I was in the hospital for a pretty long time. Here in Kentucky, they will stand strong on a sinking ship. Its bad here for MJ, and growing, if caught youll get a sentence that is like from 1970's. Which dont stop me. But just to show how f*king...
  12. Kentucky_Thunder

    Pot company recalls cannabis product sold in Alberta over contamination concern

    I dunno, McDonald's is still in business somehow?
  13. Kentucky_Thunder

    Pot company recalls cannabis product sold in Alberta over contamination concern

    On the upside, at least the company taken responsibility and acted as quickly as possible... unlike big pharm companies that know of all the bad shit their products do with massive side effects that can ruin someone for the rest of their life, who toss billions at gov in the US to loophole it to...
  14. Kentucky_Thunder

    Few questions for newbie building first grow tent set up

    Its the most logical way it sounds. Question for you, being outside my tent, wouldnt I want to put the pre-filter inside the filter then being the fan will be blowing into the filter instead of filter first then fan if it were inside?
  15. Kentucky_Thunder

    Few questions for newbie building first grow tent set up

    Ok, doing some more research on the cfm I need this is what I came up with. 2x4x6 grow tent. 40 and was going to mult. 2 because I was thinking 6" inline fan but mult by 3 for inefficient path if I run a 4" inline fan. Being I cant find any 6" fan below 300cfm, except something I dont really...
  16. Kentucky_Thunder

    Few questions for newbie building first grow tent set up

    Ive done loads of gunsmithing in the past, even some now. I'm a little familiar with reintroducing carbon when I would have to quench so I could home machine a part, then re carbonize it. Now I know were talking metal and growing plant, but the idea of introducing carbon I "think" would...
  17. Kentucky_Thunder

    Few questions for newbie building first grow tent set up

    Hello fellow Kentuckian! Im checking your thread out now. Question, you show and say you filled your filter with cotton. So you dont use a pre-filter on outside, just stuff cotton inside instead?
  18. Kentucky_Thunder

    Few questions for newbie building first grow tent set up

    I didnt look at it that way. That makes loads of sense though. With what space outside my tent wouldnt be any problem what so ever to be honest, and like you said, would give my small little set up more room for plant growth. [added: plus with my disability it would work out better Id think...
  19. Kentucky_Thunder

    Few questions for newbie building first grow tent set up

    I just checked out your rig you built. That is pretty bad assery! Seeing yours makes me feel like the first set up Im building a fischer price kiddie set haha
  20. Kentucky_Thunder

    Few questions for newbie building first grow tent set up

    Cannabineer, the only RO systems Ive seen are ones that you install under the sink type of thing. Im checking out benchtop systems right now. Thanks! Thanks NrthrnMichigan! That answers one of my questions. So, is it true when running DWC your plant roots can NOT get to much oxygen? Or, the...