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  1. fully#sick

    Aussie Growers Thread

    You directing that at me ?
  2. fully#sick

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Its not funny at all
  3. fully#sick

    Aussie Growers Thread

    When you see someone saying something like that it tends to stand out
  4. fully#sick

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Are you suffering from some type of mental illness or are you really as stupid as you seem. Pointing out your racist comments and your hypocrisy when you rightly or wrongly label someone else a racist isn't trolling.
  5. fully#sick

    Aussie Growers Thread

    You just proved the point I was making. Do you speak to strangers in the street that way? I bet you wouldn't dream of it, just another racist hero sitting behind a keyboard
  6. fully#sick

    Aussie Growers Thread

    For someone a that accuses others of trolling the only posts @jzs147 seems to make are aggressive, abusive, slanderous and racist maybe I am missing the whole point of this forum, us Abos aren't real bright
  7. fully#sick

    Hermie resistant strains

    Its a fact that fem seeds are no more likely to go herm than regular seeds.
  8. fully#sick

    Hermie resistant strains

    Chemdogs still are clone only, the 91, D, 4 etc aren't they ?
  9. fully#sick

    Aussie Growers Thread

    You for reals use lemonade for a buffer
  10. fully#sick

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Not quite right looking for some reason but I'll figure it out
  11. fully#sick

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Hopefully when Mr Jizm sobers up he realises that the days of being a small minded bigot are long gone. Tents going into flower next week she should be full by the time theyre done I reckon
  12. fully#sick

    My Weed Growing Journey

    Sick looking plants bruz !!!! Shame there's not more guys from Australia like you on this site and less of the ignorant ones
  13. fully#sick

    Aussie Growers Thread

    I'm a troll for trying to help you am I This troll just wanted to learn from more experienced growers and has obviously made a bad decision by looking here That's my troll garden bruz Looks like this abo could show you a thing or two
  14. fully#sick

    Aussie Growers Thread

    I'm not here for you bruz but you are a funny cunt
  15. fully#sick

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Is that cause us Abos can't read hey
  16. fully#sick

    Aussie Growers Thread

    I read this earlier today and didn't want to join in the shit storm or whatever the fuck you cunts are going on with but bruz you should not be calling anyone a racist. If you ever want to be educated about why us indigenous people find being called an Abo not only racist but ignorant I'd gladly...
  17. fully#sick

    My Weed Growing Journey

    Nice work bruz
  18. fully#sick

    bodhi seeds

    Apollo 11 F3
  19. fully#sick

    Welcome New Members!

    True !! Im from Bundjalung country in Nth N.S.W
  20. fully#sick

    Sensi seeds research strains :-)

    I thought it was pretty well accepted that Sensi hadn't had quite a lot of their parental stock since the late 90's early 00's.