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  1. C

    Cannabis plant smells like hay before harvest

    I dont know how to desize them I just tried loading a few
  2. C

    Cannabis plant smells like hay before harvest

    Thanks, its mt first grow. I fogured it would smell like weed because the need for filters. You have any idea on the other issues that was happening?
  3. C

    Cannabis plant smells like hay before harvest

    I have 8 gelatos going and 8 banana kush seeds and 8 original lemon pie seeds and another one i forget the name of. These are photos though so ill see how it goes for round two. If they fuck up I won't use tbere seeds again. I spent a lot of monet ib mt equipment to make this grow go good and...
  4. C

    Cannabis plant smells like hay before harvest

    Blieberry jack Herrer. Im worried about the other issues too not just the smell.
  5. C

    Cannabis plant smells like hay before harvest

    If thats the case then I'm fucked because I ordered a couple doze seeds of em.
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    Cannabis plant smells like hay before harvest

    at the end of my first grow and having a few issues. I'll go ahead and give the rundown of whats happening. I got seeds from homegrown cannabis so I think some might be a genetic issue. First is first ppms are between 150-300, humidity is at 45 percent temp 75 percent. Use inkibirds to control...
  7. C

    Gelato strain

    Growing 8 gelato feminized in my 4x8. I’m kind of a perfectionist when it comes to anything. The question does anyone know what environment they thrive the best in. I’ve been growing everything in 70 degrees 50% HR. I’m trying to step it up and dial it into what this train does best in. They...
  8. C

    Natural nutes.

    I believe that too, but at the same time to get get highest possible THC content I think it could be a little more in depth. Obviously genetics play a role, but i think this with anything in life. I used to brew steroids, and a lot depended on your ratios and carrier oils on the quality. At the...
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    Natural nutes.

    I’m gonna have to write this all down haha
  10. C

    Natural nutes.

    Just saw the pictures sorry
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    Natural nutes.

    My first grow and was just told nutes will fry and mostly not needed for FFOF. What is EWC and what brands would you recommend for the dry compounds. I just didn’t wanna get or over do it my first go.
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    Natural nutes.

    It’s the only one I saw enough feedback on and felt safe to buy general hydro I heard was garbage. Who would you suggest for future reference. I’m only not doing nutes or steering clear of them until I’m a better grower. Just don’t wanna get them.
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    Natural nutes.

    I was advised by quite a few people when using FFOF that nutes aren’t needed. The only thing they said to keep on hand was to be cal Mag in case of any yellowing of leaves until obviously toward harvest. I was just reading on liquid seaweed and silica stuff and figured that would be a good...
  14. C

    Natural nutes.

    I’m not using any nutes and only If I have too I’ll use cal mag. I do have advanced 3 part system and don’t know why. Using fox farm ocean forest also. My question is since I’m not very experienced. Is silica a natural nute I can use for protection and I did use michroazzae don’t know how to...
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    Marijuana strain suggestion

    I wasn’t gonna say anything. Do you have any suggestions? I’m new so I don’t wanna be rude and change it back to original subject.
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    Marijuana strain suggestion

    I have a timer, I’m just really worried about light leaks in general. I’m pretty confident in what I know. Just now I’m putting it to the test. Mainly went with autos because the plant from what I hear is typically smaller in stature. I gots bigger tent now so I’ll try some photos.
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    Marijuana strain suggestion

    Thanks man My gelatos were free from the order and they’re photos. I’ll see what those are like
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    Marijuana strain suggestion

    Awesome haven’t heard of that one
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    Marijuana strain suggestion

    I’m currently in my first grow. I’m growing blueberry jack autos, and I’m gonna research until these are done, well I’ve researched and bought my gear over the course of a year before starting my first grow. I got this strain because it’s a good beginner grow. I’m looking for a strain for my...
  20. C

    2x8 grow lights

    Yeah I was assuming I’d need two. Any brands you recommend?