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  1. D

    MedicGrow Fold 8 760w Samsung Diodes 8 bar fixture? $589 US shipped free, BETTER DEAL THAN MEIJIU BAR LIGHTS!?

    I adjust them by pulling the metal piece in your second picture to raise the fixture. Where your hand is in the same picture (also shown in the first pic) should be a thin barrel on the inside that you can depress to lower the fixture.
  2. D

    MedicGrow Fold 8 760w Samsung Diodes 8 bar fixture? $589 US shipped free, BETTER DEAL THAN MEIJIU BAR LIGHTS!?

    I figured out the hangers. The one with the 'Y' connects to the outer rings and then there should be a screw to tighten on the bottom of the 'Y' split to lock it in place so it doesn't sway. I used the center hanger and replace the outer ones because they would not raise up high enough with...