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  1. Miniweed94

    So today I bent and tied down my plant I’m a newbie what do you all think

    KingQuazy, did some bending on mine last night as well to pull it down from the light as you seen in the hermie post i put up.
  2. Miniweed94

    having problems

    Also not sure what brand of light you are using or the specs. Looks to be LED. Put that sucker 18 to 24in above the plant. In the photo it looks high up. Make sure fan is not constantly blowing directly at it, and is raise the ec up to 1.0. IMO These are things that I would do in your...
  3. Miniweed94

    having problems

    Roots dont HAVE to be in the water at this stage... let them search for water as it promotes stronger roots. For example this is my 2 week old skywalker triangle kush. You can see in the photo my water level from the bottom of the pot, it's been that way since before any roots came out of the...
  4. Miniweed94

    Can I Switch from 24 to 18/6???

    The top sets of leaves are looking better. I would kick the humidity down to around 55 or 60%. 70 is a bit high and I see you are getting moss or something growing on the media. Leaves could also be curling due to high humidity as they are trying to transpire (sweat out moisture) if you are...
  5. Miniweed94

    Can you help an old head be more up to date? Are my plans achievable?

    Here is a study of par value between different kinds of lights and the effectiveness they have.
  6. Miniweed94

    Can you help an old head be more up to date? Are my plans achievable?

    I personally dont have photo proof as I dont have a mh or hps setup to compare to. What you arent understanding is if the par value of hps is exceeded in an led setup, with much more useable spectrum, how would that not scientifically prove it can be done. Refer to post #9
  7. Miniweed94

    Why cut leaves in half when cloning.

    By cutting the leaves it forces the plant to focus on establishing roots instead of taking in light to build the canopy. Thats what i have always learned.
  8. Miniweed94

    Can you help an old head be more up to date? Are my plans achievable?

    Not saying that hps and mh dont achieve good yield, because they do. Just saying that leds have came along way and are much more efficient and can achieve the same results if not better when the correct diodes, and spectrums are provided.
  9. Miniweed94

    Can you help an old head be more up to date? Are my plans achievable?

    I'm literally growing under LED right now. It's all about par value my dude. I start seedlings out under t5 and they go into veg for about a week and the t5 cant keep up with the full spectrum led board I'm using. The thing with hps/Mh is that they are 2 different spectrums, and also missing far...
  10. Miniweed94

    HERMIE?? Or... Calyxs?

    Totally agree there, physically doing it will prove much more than anyone can tell you, unless they have done the same in the exact same conditions, which is slim. I plucked all the bananas without pistils, and plucked the clusters today. Have no idea what effect it will have, but my hypothesis...
  11. Miniweed94

    algae?? temp problem

    My water temps stay around 68* to keep temps low you need to keep light from penetrating the tank, and keep canopy temps on the lower side like 70* to 75* with lights on, mid 80s is high. Max temp they like is roughly 78* I run LED quantum board so its much easier to achieve cooler temps...
  12. Miniweed94

    Newbie problems

    Root riot cubes are amazing and much better than rock wool! They are like a sponge so if they are soaked entirely, they still have air since they are porous. I run 900-1000 EC early veg first week or so, and bump it up to 1200 EC and seeing how the plant responds. Check it at least once a day...
  13. Miniweed94

    having problems

    I would personally keep the water an inch or 2 below the pot instead of at the pot and make sure your airstone is directly underneath the pot. As long as the roots coming out of the pot arent drying I wouldnt even worry about the topside. What kind of light are you using?
  14. Miniweed94

    So today I bent and tied down my plant I’m a newbie what do you all think

    Second photo looks like the main stalk is broken...
  15. Miniweed94

    Issue or mutation?

    Keep it and see what it does, it wont hurt anything. Put It closer to the light of possible and see if the next node stays low.
  16. Miniweed94

    HERMIE?? Or... Calyxs?

    Agreed, I'll have to top next time and flower around 12in. This plant wasnt topped at all. Wanted to see how it went naturally, almost as a test subject to determine how to go about the next coming grows.
  17. Miniweed94

    Can I Switch from 24 to 18/6???

    You also have leaf tips burning and leaf edges curling I would get this sorted out before you get to flowering, what's your environment like? Temp, RH, soil ph, and runoff EC?
  18. Miniweed94

    Can I Switch from 24 to 18/6???

    24hrs while in seedling stage, then 18/6 once first set of true leaves appear. You will be surprised on how quick they will grow with a dark period. IMO they've been on 24hrs too long... 18/6 wont trigger flowering as stated above. Also I'd get a full white spectrum light, blurples make it hard...
  19. Miniweed94

    2ft tall in dwc???

    Thay last photo looks like you could build a treehouse in there based on the perspective. That thing is stout and large. Long time for veg, much patience.
  20. Miniweed94

    HERMIE?? Or... Calyxs?

    I will have to give that a try tomarrow. Just the one plant in a 4x4. I have 2 fem Skywalker's in early veg in a separate room. For example of how fast it's been growing, first photo is a month from 1st day veg and each photo is 1 week apart with the last photo taken the 20th at a little over 1...