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  1. V

    Green layer on top of the soil

    Im using guano soil from plagoron and on top of the soil there are green areas forming.Is it alge?. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
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    New to plants, need help lol

    Plagoron soils are cheap and good
  3. V

    New to plants, need help lol

    Enjoy growing ;)
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    New to plants, need help lol

    Too far from the light source thats why she is so tall...She put all of the energy to grow closer to the light insted of focusing on growing the leaves....Also be carefull not to overwater because she looks kinda droopy on the picture
  5. V

    Is this a nute burn?

    If you are not using any nutrients and if you dont ph your water then probuably thats the problem here....If it was from heat stress then the odges of the leaves would hace curled up...Remove the danaged leaves and give the plant what she needs
  6. V

    Auto’s not growing?

    Keep the soil moist but do not drown the seeds...Dont give up because some seeds can take even 2 weeks to germinate if they are a bit old...So keep the soil moist be carefull with temperatures outside and stay positive and patient. ;)
  7. V

    Heat stress

    Autoflowers are not that strong...Little mistake and they can die or drasticly affect the yield.
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    Heat stress

    I have other plants too that are not damaged at all but they are photoperiods....only the autoflower got burned probably because the genetics of autos are from colder weathers.
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    Heat stress

    Do u think she can recover?
  10. V

    Brown spots

    It actually was rhe start of heat stress and it got worse now
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    Heat stress

    Outdoor grow. Autoflower and its around 32 degres celcius. she got burned alot in one day. is she dead? (week 2 in flower)
  12. V

    Sativa .. But is she ready? No clue

    U want like 80-70 cloudy and the rest amber for sativas
  13. V

    Sativa .. But is she ready? No clue

    Depends on the high u want...Some people like it even more cloudy because of a strogner head high
  14. V

    Almost time....I hope!!

    Be patient...U have been taking care for them for a long time and its not worth the effort if u chop them down with clear trichs...If u are sure the one is ready u can put that one in the dark for 48 hours but keep the other 3 under the light until they are mature enought for a nice smoke.
  15. V

    First Post. Help!

    Too much water and the leaves have some dots....i hope its not leaf septoria cuz u dont wanna deal with that
  16. V

    Harvest now?

    Cant see much on the picture and it cant be a nut burn from a lockout
  17. V

    Growing advice

    That depends on many other things not just pot size and light
  18. V

    Brown spots

    I think maybe its nut burn cuz i gave guano 2 days ago and today i added the bloom so maybe it was too much
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    Brown spots

    And i checked the leaves and the stem and found no bugs