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  1. Northern_Elite_Genetics

    Northern Colorado outdoor grow 2019

    I'll be fine thanks for the concern though. They will be caged here shortly. And only one neighbor and we are buddies. Plus half the neighborhood grows. Never had any problems with theives or cops
  2. Northern_Elite_Genetics

    Northern Colorado outdoor grow 2019

    Alright, a little up date. Today is april the 5th 2019. I've grown indoors and outdoors for years. But this is my first attempt to actually grow 5lb plants outdoors. I haven't decided yet to use smart pots or do 4'x4' raised beds yet. I'll probaby go the raised bed method probably gone to till...
  3. Northern_Elite_Genetics

    Northern Colorado outdoor grow 2019

    I'm new to the forum. Second year growing outdoors in northern Colorado. Started about from seed about 1.5 months ago. Placed outside about two weeks ago. Outside temps are still pretty chilly outside. So I have a 1000watt inside a patio I bring them inside between 7pm at night and the light...