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  1. M

    Micro nutrient deficiency?

    Here’s the photos also, I’ve been using neem oil and the foxfarm big bloom i dont think its bugs i thinks its genetics or some sort of deficiency and the last photo the big cut it from me accidentally bumping it
  2. M

    Could it be some sort of micro nutrient deficiency?

    Here’s the photos also, I’ve been using neem oil and the foxfarm big bloom i dont think its bugs i thinks its genetics or some sort of deficiency and the last photo the big cut it from me accidentally bumping it
  3. M

    Micro nutrient deficiency?

    It’s indoors and I can’t find anything but thank you goodluck as well to you
  4. M

    Micro nutrient deficiency?

    I have 2 auto flowers my big one has been getting holes and spots missing on some middle and lower new and old growth I can’t find any bugs in or around soil or on plants I had fungus gnat problems but i use neem oil and a fan and they went away I put my plant thats been attacked in a different...
  5. M

    Could it be some sort of micro nutrient deficiency?

    I have 2 auto flowers my big one has been getting holes and spots missing on some middle and lower new growth and old I can’t find any bugs in or around soil or on plants i had fungus gnat problems but i use neem oil and a fan and they went away i put my plant thats been attacked in a different...
  6. M


    I'm new so i don't know but it doesn't look like pollen sacs
  7. M

    Newbie (Please Help)

    I’m a new grower, I got 2 plants one I’m low stress training and the other I tried fimming and bending the stem but its snapped in the edge so I put tape on it I also trimmed the leaves, and I recently discovered bite marks but no bugs. I’m using ocean forest soil and I’ve been checking the ph...