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  1. E

    Autoflower leaves droopy?

    Alright thank you so much and happy 420 !
  2. E

    Autoflower leaves droopy?

    Okay so is there a way i can save her and still make her give me the max or am I fucked at this point ? Like with low yield ?
  3. E

    Autoflower leaves droopy?

    My soil is full of that and earth worm castings
  4. E

    Autoflower leaves droopy?

    Oh alright makes sense
  5. E

    Autoflower leaves droopy?

    I only feed every 2-3 days cause she soaks all the water up in that time like now its 2 days later since i fed and she ate all of it up
  6. E

    Autoflower leaves droopy?

    Oh alright yeah i got you autoflowers are a pain to get at first but I seen nothing but positivity out of autos
  7. E

    Autoflower leaves droopy?

    Tds never got that high before and i water every 2 days with maybe a third of the gallon and at first she was exploding in growth now she is slowing down
  8. E

    Autoflower leaves droopy?

    Going in to my feed
  9. E

    Autoflower leaves droopy?

    I have both my ph is at a high of 6.6 and my tds is about at 600-700 now since she is in the first week of flower
  10. E

    Autoflower leaves droopy?

    My light is 600watt led and is about at 35 inches from the bottom and about 28 inches from the top of my plant
  11. E

    Autoflower leaves droopy?

    Okay so just ph water ? No nutes ? And i didnt put alot of nutes like maybe 1 ml per gallon of each But yeah i had problems before with over nuteing them but I think it was cause my old nutes were expired so i brought brand new nutes
  12. E

    Autoflower leaves droopy?

    Im new to autoflowers so im trying to get it situated while i can before she gives me no buds lol but fox farm i was reading on before that i can use the nutrients all the way thru I use tigerbloom now and big bloom
  13. E

    Autoflower leaves droopy?

    Organic soil its really light I feed every 2-3 days and i use fox farm nutes and ive just started the nutes 3 weeks ago and the last few times ive been usi g them no matter what and low dosage like a ML
  14. E

    Autoflower leaves droopy?

    Damn so cut nutes in half ? Or should i do a brush through of water with no nutes ?
  15. E

    Autoflower leaves droopy?

    Okay then could ot be a calcium or magnesium deficiency?
  16. E

    Autoflower leaves droopy?

    Hey guys so I have a 1 month old autoflower and i have her on a strict feeding regiment. Is this from the flower stretching ?
  17. E

    Day 47 from seedling

    Pistils and okay
  18. E

    Day 47 from seedling

    Hands were washed lol
  19. E

    Day 47 from seedling

    Its a bag seed