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  1. G

    4 inch plants that are flowering ×pics×

    No as far as I read you wanna start autos in the pot there going to grow into just haveo be super careful with watering .
  2. G

    4 inch plants that are flowering ×pics×

    Hey guys so I got these guys from growers choice 2 are Hindu Kush and 2 tangerine dream , all autos . Have provided what I would say is pretty good conditions for them since seed . Is this just autoflower the way she goes . How to I get a decent yield ... Why flower so fast this is 2 weeks from...
  3. G

    Course of action mold? To much water? Remove plants?

    First of all big thank you to all you experienced growers that take time to reply and share knowledge it's a HUGE FKN HELP. Between this and the Google there is a ton of info available. Last year I was given some 3-4 week old plants from a friend , I hadn't grown weed before only mushrooms but...
  4. G

    Need some seedling help asap!!

    No problem I don't know much lol but I litterly just went through that might lose a few of my plants from from to much water , the science Involved in plants is extremely interesting
  5. G

    Course of action/overwatered maybe some mold ?

    First of all big thank you to all you experienced growers that take time to reply and share knowledge it's a HUGE FKN HELP. Between this and the Google there is a ton of info available. Last year I was given some 3-4 week old plants from a friend , I hadn't grown weed before only mushrooms but...
  6. G

    Need some seedling help asap!!

    a soil moisture meter is cheap and your friend , I understand completely what it's like to be worrying, keep us updated ! I personally just went through the battle of getting them through that stage and trying to figure out how much to water and do to my worrying and shit I overwatered . Then my...
  7. G

    Need some seedling help asap!!

    Honestly I'd probably your watering , definitely don't give them nuts in the first few weeks I am just starting to consider nutes now, and I wouldn't even try to transplant or anything rn while there like that , they definitely do looked a little bit thin I'd also make sure I was blowing on...
  8. G

    Need some seedling help asap!!

    Some of those didn't look to hot at the beginning one still I'm trying to figure out the lighter one but I'm not stressing ATM
  9. G

    Need some seedling help asap!!

    What's water schedule been like , keep humidity closer to your 65 mark, check soil pH first thing as well , I would run 18/6 don't do 24 straight with that phat unit , make sure they have a break, what strain is this ? And dont panic dude I am just around 2 weeks ahead of you 2 of my seedlings I...