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  1. Fiveleafsleft

    12/12 From Seed Experiment - 21 Strains

    I've never heard of that brand. Don't know if it's because i'm in europe.. But googling around don't give me much info either. The same brand also sells coco-fiber doormats. Lets hope its not the same fibers they are using for both purposes.. The process of washing out the salts from coco is...
  2. Fiveleafsleft

    12/12 From Seed Experiment - 21 Strains

    150 ppm is pretty soft. That's good! You don't have to flush now since your plants are doing good. A bit of run-of 15-20 % should be sufficient to avoid salt buildups. Many people do well with no run-of. You don't have to care to much about the ph of the run-of water, that can swing a bit...
  3. Fiveleafsleft

    The disadvantage to mixing warm white with cool white

    After looking at spectras of several white cobs and also combination of 5000+2700 etc I found that CXA 4000 as blue base gave me much bang for buck in terms of lumens, par-values and spectral distribution. What I didn't quite notice, was that the blue band is a kind of narrow. So how bad is...
  4. Fiveleafsleft

    12/12 From Seed Experiment - 21 Strains

    Half strength or quarter strength don't tell much if you don't know what "full" represents. And do you have soft water or hard water? Age of seedlings can be very misleading to.. The size of them matters more.. My seedlings were fed with an EC of 1,0 (that's more than half of the strength used...
  5. Fiveleafsleft

    12/12 From Seed Experiment - 21 Strains

    Google "research" and you find a picture of me! :) LOL Seriously borderline-OCD.. Actually longing a bit till the day i have my Perpetual-12/12-from-seed-mini-SOG set the way i like, with the right lights, seeds nutrition ETC. At least I'm getting closer. Might start a thread here when i start...
  6. Fiveleafsleft

    12/12 From Seed Experiment - 21 Strains

    Here is info about how one can use super strong nutes in order to get super sturdy plants.
  7. Fiveleafsleft

    12/12 From Seed Experiment - 21 Strains

    If you are using quality coco with low EC and relatively soft water it shouldn't be a problem! Since they are 18 days your actually in week 3, and they should be able to handle 5 ml.
  8. Fiveleafsleft

    12/12 From Seed Experiment - 21 Strains

    This guy is having huge success with No mercy special 12/12 from seed. You have to use goole translate to read it, if your not speaking german..
  9. Fiveleafsleft

    12/12 From Seed Experiment - 21 Strains

    Thanks for the link! I've probably read parts of it while googling stuff, but never seen his garden as a hole. (always thought that he gave his plants plenty of space in order to let them develop to so impressive plants. It seam's as you have everything under control man! I do understand that...
  10. Fiveleafsleft

    12/12 From Seed Experiment - 21 Strains

    I have much personal interest in this thread since I'm doing something similar. I jammed 17 3x3 pots n a grow cabinet, 4,65 feet2. Unfortunately the chinese led lights were advertise with a very misleading wattage, which left me on the low side on l/feet2. I've harvested more than half of them...
  11. Fiveleafsleft

    12/12 From Seed Experiment - 21 Strains

    Interesting thread! Don't worry about over watering the coco substrate. You can't overwater it! I watered with run-of four times a day with no ill effects. Think it's good advise though, to not let them sit in drainage pans.. They grow very slow in the beginning when grown 12/12 from seed, but...
  12. Fiveleafsleft

    Photosynthesis Under Solid State Light. Setting the Standards .

    So... If you guys had 27w of CXA 4000K on each of 8 small heat sink and could add four 3-watters on each.. How would you go around with this? Ideally 4 of them would be more inclined against seedling - early bloom and the other ones towards post-stretch - harvest. I have come up with a...
  13. Fiveleafsleft

    EFs R&DiY LED, Circuits, Arduino, Hot Peppers and more thread

    Yeah I actually spent some time looking for square metal tubes, to save some space, unfortunately only plastic ones were available. 6" ducting is a great idea, but will see how it works with 4" first, since i allready have it and also have a limited space. Hopefully i will be able to fit 4 of...
  14. Fiveleafsleft

    EFs R&DiY LED, Circuits, Arduino, Hot Peppers and more thread

    Those heat sinks look awesome EF! put them in cooltubes if you don't get the temps down to where you want them. My heat sinks look like this, which makes them easy to mount into spiro-tubes. Maybe you could use spiro to, if you cut away enough of it to fit the sinks. You would need silicon or...
  15. Fiveleafsleft

    EFs R&DiY LED, Circuits, Arduino, Hot Peppers and more thread

    Hi Salmontine! Sorry for triple quoting, sometimes i just get stuck in that echo-chamber, amber, amber. ;) It's CXA 2530's with four 3-watters. Without fans, at 350 mA the temps stay around 55 C. at the measuring-point of Cxa's. @ 700 mA temps go up to 80 C. These readings are with ambient...
  16. Fiveleafsleft

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    I Might as well share he latest reply i got from Jeff at stevesled, even if I do find it a bit to good to be true... "We have been using the 24ga for the past 5 years and almost 9,000 customers running at 1A, with a temp rise of less than 0.50 degrees F, when measured with our FLIR camera...
  17. Fiveleafsleft

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    Ok just wanna share the answer I got from Steve led when asking about 24 ga cable and higher Amps. "I calculate that 24 GA solid core can handle up to 3.5A. Can your provide your reference equation? Thanks! Jeff" My reply: Reading a bit further in to The subject tells me that 0,577 is the...
  18. Fiveleafsleft

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    Thanks fpr yout reply! I'm not sure if i will go higher than 577 mA, since my grow space is small and i like the efficiency advantage of lower amps. But creating unnecessary restrictions seems stupid.. Playing with the calculator i linked to in my previous post, tells me that you are right when...