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  1. SpawnOfShulgin

    First Auto Grow: Seedling started to flower (Pics)

    This plant was a seed about 10 days ago. From some regular auto seeds. Its in a 2x4 tent with 100 watts of LED lights. The closest light is a 40 watt LED that sits about 3 inches above it. Has had no nutes. First hairs popped up a few days ago. Yesterday i put a nail in the side of the pot to...
  2. SpawnOfShulgin

    leaf edges browning and dying. K def, or nute burn maybe?

    Yes the burn appeared after. they were clawing a bit, so I posted pics on this forum. Then I flushed followed by half nutes. The burn appeared after the half strength feeding. When this grow is over I am probably gunna leave TPS One a real trash review. I followed the instructions to a the...
  3. SpawnOfShulgin

    leaf edges browning and dying. K def, or nute burn maybe?

    Okay. So what would you suggest? If I flush again to remove excess N, it would make the K deficiency worse. Assuming thats the issue of course.
  4. SpawnOfShulgin

    leaf edges browning and dying. K def, or nute burn maybe?

    So, would another flush and a foliar feed with bloom nutes be a bad idea? The buds are frosty and smell dank. Don't wanma lose her.
  5. SpawnOfShulgin

    Branch semi-detached from node

    It will heal and look something like this. I pulled a tie a bit to hard and almost snapped the top right off of her. I left it alone to recover, and it healed fine.
  6. SpawnOfShulgin

    leaf edges browning and dying. K def, or nute burn maybe?

    Back story, plant was N toxic. I was feeding TPS One as the bottle directed PHd to around 6.5. After N tox symptoms I flushed, and watered with just PHd water. Resumed feeding at half strength. Plant is in soil. Temps usually low 80s daytime, 70s night time.
  7. SpawnOfShulgin

    Sudden leaf Curling during week 4 flower. N tox? (PIC)

    Thats a good point I hadn't really thought of. Appreciate it man. Yeah these nutes seemed to good to be true. The amount of N in it is just too much for flower I think. But i gave it an honest effort.
  8. SpawnOfShulgin

    Sudden leaf Curling during week 4 flower. N tox? (PIC)

    I test the runoff because I believe it could tell me if there are excess salts built up in the soil. If the runoff is significantly more acidic than the Phd water you feed with, it can be an indicator if overfeeding. This doesn't matter much if it nutes your familiar with but TPS One is new to...
  9. SpawnOfShulgin

    Sudden leaf Curling during week 4 flower. N tox? (PIC)

    Last fed TPS One Nutrients 15ml/gal about a week ago. Shes in a 3 gal fabric pot. run off last I watered it was 6.8 I notices some minor clawing so I skipped feeding this week. Watered with phd water this time and thought that might even flush some excess N out. Supposedly TPS One is good for...