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  1. D

    lol I quit...after 40 years... nothing happened but Liz Benton recently quit weed after smoking it at least once a day for seven years — and

    Were you a thief in your younger years... I ask because in my personal experience I only have had trouble with the police in the past when I was thieving from others. God is always watching and he likes to play too so be careful what you do unto others (Jesus was right about this one). I also...
  2. D

    lol I quit...after 40 years... nothing happened but Liz Benton recently quit weed after smoking it at least once a day for seven years — and

    Sorry... it sort of does have to do with quitting cannabis as some people were complaining about aches and pains. While on the subject though I must say the hardest thing for me to find is good organic bread. That's probably where I'm picking up my chemical effects because I eat a lot of...
  3. D

    lol I quit...after 40 years... nothing happened but Liz Benton recently quit weed after smoking it at least once a day for seven years — and

    Yes the grain adds some nice fat to otherwise very lean beef... kinda like deer are a little gamy unless they've been picking farmers fields. The leaner the meat the less flavor but I could personally do without the chemical effects myself. I would prefer grass fed to chemical grain just for...
  4. D

    lol I quit...after 40 years... nothing happened but Liz Benton recently quit weed after smoking it at least once a day for seven years — and

    This is something that no medical physician today would admit to... the microbes also fight off other foreign disease that tries to enter the body... if we all ate organic salad once a day I do not believe Covid or many other illnesses would be a problem.
  5. D

    lol I quit...after 40 years... nothing happened but Liz Benton recently quit weed after smoking it at least once a day for seven years — and

    I've only found one farm in the area for vegetables (true organic ones) and the same for beef. The beef is, however, fed some store bought supposedly organic feed which sort of seems like it's not when you eat the meat but I have yet to come across better. The vegetables are 100% organic and I...
  6. D

    lol I quit...after 40 years... nothing happened but Liz Benton recently quit weed after smoking it at least once a day for seven years — and

    This is truth... most of the food we eat today is grown with man made chemicals (they are actually toxins to the body). Eating food grown with only organic nutrients (manure, bone, blood) is much healthier for the body and will alleviate those aches and pains you are suffering. It also makes...
  7. D

    lol I quit...after 40 years... nothing happened but Liz Benton recently quit weed after smoking it at least once a day for seven years — and

    I quit (smoking weed) cold turkey when I started going to college (about 5 years of sobriety). From what I remember I never had any type of withdrawal or panic attack. I started smoking weed again after college not due to addiction, but just because I enjoy getting high (like some people enjoy...
  8. D

    What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

    You taxed yourself right out of freedom. (Waves to America) None taken.
  9. D

    What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

    Sure... fill me in. I won't burn you at the stake but I will mock your death if God smites you before our eyes (or at least use you as an example to educate others)... I promise. I doubt Jesus would have even wanted a gun. He did not own a sword which was the "gun" of the times and even went...
  10. D

    What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

    So you are defending that which you do not believe?
  11. D

    What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

    Thanks for clearing that up... exactly what I was saying... he OK'd taxation with the power of God and God answered. You read the bible? What was your reading comprehension score in high school?
  12. D

    What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

    It all boils down to the fact that taxation is a sin (theft of others property) and Jesus stood up for taxation with his "Render to Caesar that which is Caesar's" which probably meant that you should do justice to Caesar like you should do justice to any of your fellow man but was interpreted as...
  13. D

    What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

    Look at the crucifixion next time you are in church... if that is supporting a liberal then yes.
  14. D

    What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

    I'll just stick with the medication :weed: thanks though
  15. D

    What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

    Death is the wage of sin (doing bad things to others)... so if you are dying I say the world will not miss you.
  16. D

    lol I quit...after 40 years... nothing happened but Liz Benton recently quit weed after smoking it at least once a day for seven years — and

    Cannabis withdrawal... sounds like horse shit to me. Never had a withdrawal symptom except to jones for a smoke. You need to quit eating food grown with man made chemicals and eat food grown with only organic fertilizers. Much healthier for the body and you will find your body is more capable...
  17. D

    What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

    The one with responsible "adult" citizens.
  18. D

    What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

    Pediatrics is child related deaths. Here is your response Flu season in the US, which runs from October through May, claims tens of thousands of lives every year. Because the flu is not a reportable disease in most states, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) does not have...