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  1. J

    Week 4 flower issue Help!!! Newb Alert

    do whatever you feel you need to do. its your plant man.
  2. J

    Week 4 flower issue Help!!! Newb Alert

    he wouldnt have that problem if he just used water.
  3. J

    Week 4 flower issue Help!!! Newb Alert

    5 weeks 8 weeks 12 weeks it dont matter. if you having problems with your plant like you say then its probably best if you did what i suggested
  4. J

    Week 4 flower issue Help!!! Newb Alert

    hey man quit puttin all them nutes and whatever else in that plant. wash the root system like i told you. give it some fresh soil and use store bought water. in a week your plant will b just right how you want it
  5. J

    Week 4 flower issue Help!!! Newb Alert

    you need to get a tub thats bigger than the pot the plant is in, fill it with luke warm water. damp the soil the plant is in, wait 30-40 minutes. take the plant out the pot sit it in the tub with the water. gently wash all that dirt off its roots. then take the plant to the kitchen sink gently...
  6. J

    internode spacing

    the lights have always been 2-3 inches away from the plant. thats why im confused as to why its stretching like that and it only occurs at night when the lights are off.. its like its determined to get as tall as it can during its dark hrs
  7. J

    Snapped at stem, fatal?

    liquid band aid works great. dont put tape on it. get some thread and anchor it to the main stem
  8. J

    internode spacing

    my plant is only 31 days old. its 20 inches tall. it has already started to flower. the problem i have is that the internodes have stretched dramatically. 1-2 inches. will the buds cover the whole internode space?