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  1. M


    HAHAHAHHAHAHA I think you may be right
  2. M


    Also plan to keep growing
  3. M


    Thanks And yeah I do now know what males look like
  4. M


    Thank you! We just used some seed in our bag and figured let’s give it a try. In hindsight I don’t know how it didn’t realize there were males either. I just thought I was doing something wrong. Again it’s my daughter’s crop and she asked me to tend while she left I am learning and have to say...
  5. M


    Thank you so much!! I felt really bad. I’ll keep trying. I’m into it now. Hope I get something from these plants but will keep working at it. Gotta say I’m enjoying the experience. Never planted anything before!
  6. M


    Well I guess I have ya a good look lol. Yikes Feel foolish but wtf
  7. M


    Ok well I screwed up but thank you
  8. M


    go smoke another and chill. This is a NEWB site. You have no idea how much time I put into this. Have a great day
  9. M


    Thanks if I told ya the story it would really be funny!! My daughter left me to care for her crop while she took off. I knew nothing about it obviously. I read up but all new to me!! She better have a sense of humor when she gets back. Last thing she said was make sure there’s no males. Like I...
  10. M


    Thank you I freaked out about this last night and ripped it out of my tent. Vacuumed out the whole thing and was pissed off. Well what are you going to do it was a learning experience. I knew it looked weird I thought I was doing something wrong. Now I know hopefully we can make it through the...
  11. M


    Thank you!! I cleaned it out and will ride it out with what I have‍♀️
  12. M


    Thank you!! Can’t believe the hate on this site. Expected help not bullying! Thank you for your support!!
  13. M


    Are you referring to the tall plant?
  14. M


    I’m learning as I go
  15. M


    With the tall purple flowers or the 2 that didn’t bud???
  16. M


    Ok thank you
  17. M


    Gee thanks
  18. M


    So what do I do now???
  19. M


    Oh no
  20. M


    How are these pics