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  1. cb420247

    Sour Kosher Grow & The Magic Box

    is your nl auto a nl x big bud freebie from the tude, because i have that one is mine in my veg/auto room... is that the one you have? i am starting to really like autos and i got some good auto tips for you as well...later
  2. cb420247

    Sour Kosher Grow & The Magic Box

    is that really the same is she ever happy now. i am here bro.. and i am even ok at this stuff, but most of all i like to help peeps hwo like to learn like i like to learn......anything anytime, just hulla......cb420 now for the crazy to transplat that...
  3. cb420247

    Sour Kosher Grow & The Magic Box

    is that really the same is she ever happy now. i am here bro.. and i am even ok at this stuff, but most of all i like to help peeps hwo like to learn like i like to learn......anything anytime, just hulla......cb420
  4. cb420247

    GGG good ideas ....... HAZEMAN mikado complete grow

    i will be starting on this thread real soon. it is just about time for flowering. i would do more shots of them vegging, but they are kinda tough to get to........but they are great and i will be all over them real soon...later...cb420 thats all auto gear on the left and the next round of...
  5. cb420247

    Sour Kosher Grow & The Magic Box

    and that is my post style that i am finding people like the most... i just type like a paper in school and put dots where the pics will go and then back fill and add the works really good and speeds up long posts.......thats about all the info i got right now friend.... i will see you...
  6. cb420247

    Sour Kosher Grow & The Magic Box

    i just went back and compared the picture from 2 days ago and ya it looks like a different plant bro.....i was thinking that you may only want to use a half tsp per gallon of the molasses, it does like the mix weak......later bro and i am glad its looking good for you...
  7. cb420247

    Sour Kosher Grow & The Magic Box

    i agree that it is looking reall nice now. is it growing a bit faster too? if i was you, my next move when it is time to water, i would water with 1 tsp of molasses to get your microbe numbers up. it is the sugar in it they like. i have heard of people using honey as well, but the point is that...
  8. cb420247

    Sour Kosher Grow & The Magic Box

    i just made a big post for this thread too. it is really going to start growing as a thread soon. it is like a double thread, who could even ask for for being all about the info...i am exactly the same way. we grow a whole lot different in our styles, but our ideas of the...
  9. cb420247

    Sour Kosher Grow & The Magic Box

    right, if there is no other options defiantly use ebson as you have to get some cal/mag in there, but i only advise as a last resort and i know lots of people use it, but i am not one , nor a lot of people i know , but i have tried it before i just didnt like the amount i had to use and what it...
  10. cb420247

    Sour Kosher Grow & The Magic Box

    really i did all 3 of them if you have them all too and want to see them all go for when you do the rest i can do that bro. just let me know before i cross any lines and or offend you. i dont want to overstep my bounds, but i do love to help and make friends, but this is all i am good at and its...
  11. cb420247

    Sour Kosher Grow & The Magic Box

    see how the new set of leaves are turning out of the plant. kind of wierd like, thats from too much food too. its ok and not and issue. if you feed that thing just stop, like you said, and let it live off the food it has food then next 2 weeks of until you see that it needs food. it may surprize...
  12. cb420247

    Sour Kosher Grow & The Magic Box

    yep it is cal/mag you use dolomite lime in the mix....if so how much....if not how big is your container? i would say that you sould hit that with some sort of liquid cal/mag at this point but only one time but i would also to dress with lime to prevent this from reoccurring...
  13. cb420247

    GG GROUP TEST THREAD chem og(a)x ogjoe and platinum og x ogjoe

    i did a bit of early shaping as i am not topping these plants and i still want shrubs. i take some leaves off real young to push the undergrowth into are some pics......before the leafing and after.....later y'all ....cb420
  14. cb420247

    Sour Kosher Grow & The Magic Box

    so....real important to us , is what soil you are using and what nute system and how often you do what to my friend
  15. cb420247

    Sour Kosher Grow & The Magic Box

    hello brother...i was just getting to know my sour kosher a bit better and mine tells me she is a very efficient plant an she does not like or need much food at all. then i came to tell you that and i see the leaf twist that is a precursor for too much -n-. i am not sure if you have gave her...
  16. cb420247

    Sour Kosher Grow & The Magic Box

    these are my sour kosher....well this is i mean to say. i got this for free from the tude and when my cv gear went all male this run i popped some fems to cover my needs. i sprouted it under a t5 unit for 48 hrs and she was green and happy as soon as she was up i put her in a solo cup and under...
  17. cb420247

    GG GROUP TEST THREAD chem og(a)x ogjoe and platinum og x ogjoe

    i do add some molasses early and to finsh flowering on and i also do a pk boost around week 5 . use anything you like for a pk boost as long as there is no -n- in the mix. i have used lots of things, but liquid cool bloom works well , but right now i have bloom maximizer by atari or some thing...
  18. cb420247

    GG GROUP TEST THREAD chem og(a)x ogjoe and platinum og x ogjoe

    i have one that is all my own and i cant say that people will agree with what i do , but i like my results.........i start with 2 bales of promix and one real large bag of big chunky perlite, and then i add a bag of lobster compost and a cup of wiggle worm castings and a cup of extreme gardener...
  19. cb420247

    ****SINMINT COOKIES**** From Seed "Test Plant."

    i am all subbed up bro, lets see it grow.......much karma friend
  20. cb420247

    ****SINMINT COOKIES**** From Seed "Test Plant."

    watching as well and i just finished 5 of those. no thread, but that is for sure the blue power and for the record the blue power pheno is my keeper. it yields more and has the same buzz. my bp pheno is however the only one that did not show color. it is what me and my wife called a sugar...