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    Hey I had a plant that started to flower but got canned in the wind can I make cannabutter with the keaves? Will it get you high?
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    Aussie outdoor grow!

    And we are in flower!! :)
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    Aussie outdoor grow!

    They all look fenale at this stage, if by chance they start growing ball sacs and I pick them off before they polinate could that maybe stop it if they turn out hemy?
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    Aussie outdoor grow!

    So they will all end up hemy?
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    Aussie outdoor grow!

    Lol they are outside, I bring them in of a night. They will probably all turn hemy because the the seeds I planted were off a purple haze plant that turned hemy. At this stage though it's looking good 3 have showed sex and are all looking female :)
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    Aussie outdoor grow!

    Hey just wanting to show off the babies couple more months to go :) the two pictured together are not growing as well as I hoped but I have 2 beauties :)
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    Australian outdoor grow

    Just a update on the plants they are growing up :)
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    I just chuck them in the bush whilst I have visitors.. I've got a few seeds up bush as well that I'm Ieaving to grow but can't find where I planted them :/ or they never poped
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    Nah I can't put them in the ground here I'm close to bike tracks, it gets busy thru spring/summer they will be on display for everyone that drives past to see. Also the next door neighbour slashes my property to risky. What do I do when the roots grow thru the pot?
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    Sorry to be annoying it's my first ever grow I want it to be right
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    Don't have any more crates with gaps just these ones is that good enough or do they need vents
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    Wooden crates? I have them lying around
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    Can I put them on the grass? Or do they have to be raised
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    Where do I get shade cloth from?
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    All planted at different times but 5 on the go :)
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    Hey need some advice first time outdoor grow!! Melbournea weather is nice ATM do I leave my plants in the direct sun all day? With shade or no shade at all and during the days where it hits above 35 degrees what do I do?