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  1. V

    Severe heat stress (bud rot?), should I harvest early?

    That's exactly what happened. I asked for bud rot because indeed is very humid here, but honestly that's ruled out as I've checked the insides of the bud and it's all green. Yeah my thought exactly, but will it really get better?
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    Severe heat stress (bud rot?), should I harvest early?

    Hi! First off, thanks for stopping by everyone. Here's an update some hours after she drank...
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    Severe heat stress (bud rot?), should I harvest early?

    Hello everyone and thanks to everyone who will come out and help. First off, grow infos: Strain: Runts Feminized x1 Size: 40x40x120 Medium: Soil, 12L airpot Light: Cultilite COB Led 250W ____ The issue on the table: I've been in vacation for 20 days. I've had a friend come home once a week to...
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    Nutes lockout / root rot ?

    That sounds hopeful... thanks Shrubber, I'll post updates if things don't get better. Meanwhile, if anyone else has to spare its 2 cents here feel free to contribute!
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    Nutes lockout / root rot ?

    Okay... that's what I will do, thanks for your help. Looking at them, how long do you think it's left in them? They should flower for at least 3 more weeks but I doubt that's gonna happen... Expecially the left one which is stuck at its second week of flowering T-T
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    Nutes lockout / root rot ?

    I see... thanks you very much for the insight, just one last question if you may help me: if I keep flushing... won't they just use even more nutes stored in leafs, forcing me to harvest even earlier? Or they will "stabilize" in some way? Things went downhill so fast I have bad dreams about my...
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    Nutes lockout / root rot ?

    In fact I'm starting to doubt it's root rot.. so you're sure it's just overfeeding? Cause it looks like 5 different types of nutes def... I don't know But since it looks like root rot should stink bad, and I smell no funny odors, maybe it isn't really the case EDIT: Also, if I keep flushing...
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    Nutes lockout / root rot ?

    Sincerely thank you for the advice... I will just go with one plant at a time from now. So I'll let them finish... even if the left one looks completely blocked with her grow... When do you suggest I harvest them? Should I wait for all the fan leaves to fall? I wouldn't want to reach the point...
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    Nutes lockout / root rot ?

    I didn't know it wasn't a good idea... It's the second time I do it and the first time brought me an excellent yield! I followed the instructions provided me from the Biobizz manufacturers... I used to fert her every other watering, but it seems it was too much... It's the first time I used...
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    Nutes lockout / root rot ?

    Hello everyone, I'll go with the rules first and then explain carefully my situation: 1) Pic in attachements 2) Growing indoor or outdoors: Indoor 3) Watering schedule: Water as soon as the soil gets dry 4) Growing Medium: Atami light mix 5) What stage of growth: 4-5 weeks into flowering...