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  1. G

    This is why we won!

    So this young man has a cow and works hard his whole life and acquires a second one.... So this young man moves to a new home and finds a cow some one had abandoned and nurtures it and gets it healthy again, and keeps it with his other cow..... So this young man inherits two cows from his...
  2. G

    Democrats in the Senate who voted to confirm Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State

    Good then you can fact check and see if the rest of the statement is true?
  3. G


    Roflmao. You really ARE that "progressive" and do not want equal opportunity, you want equal out come. Your "moral high ground" is crumbling beneath you and the longer Trump and his cabinet stay in office the easier it will be to point out as "the people" get to participate in the freedom that...
  4. G

    Democrats in the Senate who voted to confirm Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State

    Ever think that they did not want the job and have to divest of their vast fortunes and have to release THEIR tax returns? No? Is that too obvious for you? Look at the resent pipe line dispute, who benefits from it not going through? Maybe the person who owns the rail cars that the oil is...
  5. G


    I know plenty of miserable "rich" people and happy "poor" people. The reverse is true as well. "You are guaranteed the right to pursue happiness, not obtain it." If making more money than you can spend in a life time makes you happy then pursue that. If giving your family the ability to never...
  6. G

    Democrats in the Senate who voted to confirm Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State

    What does her money or how she got it have to do with anything? Because she has money her opinion is invalid? What does the amount of money they donated to causes they favor have do to with anything? It does not prove corruption it just proves they were able to contribute more than others...
  7. G

    Democrats in the Senate who voted to confirm Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State

    "I'm gonna cut Wall Street out of politics" - Donald Trump Sounds like good policy, and the sooner the better. "Hillary is the Wall Street candidate, pay for play, corruption" - Donald Trump Innuendo till proven. No better than what is said about him. Appoints 6 members of Goldman...
  8. G

    Imagine Obama saying this

    What are you talking about? The DoJ has already appealed the Federal Court in Seattle findings. I applaud both sides for using the courts to determine the legality of the EO. All you have seen is the branches of Government working the way they should in America. The same with the peaceful...
  9. G

    Trump's first military raid: "Almost everything went wrong". 2 Americans dead

    I will say it again, you are not used to having your idea's challenged and proven false are you? Must be why you revert to ridicule
  10. G

    Democrats in the Senate who voted to confirm Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State

    All you are saying is innuendo. Name one corrupt pick, not with innuendo. All you guys are saying is innuendo. Nothing more. If it wasn't they would already be doing the perp walk. You are basically saying the whole justice is department is corrupt. I'm sorry I thought this was America...
  11. G

    Trump's first military raid: "Almost everything went wrong". 2 Americans dead

    Did you tell any one what's it like to have a tiny penis that is unsatisfying to women?
  12. G

    Trump's first military raid: "Almost everything went wrong". 2 Americans dead

    You were referring to your saying stop and then me saying stop. Yeah I caught that. Like most "educated" people you "assume" your intellect is way above anyone else's, a common fallacy among people like yourself. When I said "trample my free speech rights" you assumed I meant that towards your...
  13. G

    Trump's first military raid: "Almost everything went wrong". 2 Americans dead

    See Rule #5 again. That's right trample my free speech rights. You can keep the sprinkles.
  14. G

    Democrats in the Senate who voted to confirm Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State

    He has already started doing it with his cabinet picks and the raise will come with the minimum wage increase.
  15. G

    Imagine Obama saying this

    And basing foreign policy on this has worked out great. I am sure our allies would agree. Is this what you learned from your extensive knowledge, and I quote "I have more foreign policy experience in my family than you can even imagine exists". From the way you answer posts here, if you do...
  16. G

    Democrats in the Senate who voted to confirm Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State

    You are just as lost as the rest of the "lets pass it and read it later" folks. Say what you really mean "they have more money than me so they had to screw someone over to get it". Progressive has nothing to do with equal rights, and everything to do with equal out come. If it's worked so...
  17. G

    Trump's first military raid: "Almost everything went wrong". 2 Americans dead

    ROFLMAO. It is your whole argument in a nut shell. Its based on Covetousness. So please stop.
  18. G

    Trump's first military raid: "Almost everything went wrong". 2 Americans dead

    When I quote rules for radicles its this exact phenomenon you folks posted above I'm referring to. but that's ok I know what's coming next Rule #13 Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people...