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  1. C

    Wide flat main stalk very strange any ideas?

    So the end result here was very little bud. For anyone that encounters this best to cut off as soon as identified.
  2. C

    Fan Leaves Dying 60-75% through flowering.

    Ok thanks all! Did as suggested and fed them the tiger bloom as well what I used for veg which was nitrogen heavy. Should have realized that was the issue really.
  3. C

    Fan Leaves Dying 60-75% through flowering.

    Hey all, not sure if this is something to worry about but I’m definitely worried. Nearly all my fan leaves are yellowing and dying off. Interesting nearly all leaves near the bud sites are a very health green, it’s just the large fan leaves or ones a little further from bud sites. However in...
  4. C

    Is this a male

    Yikes… Yea was definitely headed that way. I used feminized seeds but from what I read it’s still possible to get a male. Out of the 15 planted this seems to be the only one, so overall not too bad I guess. Was tough to hack up that tree but the deed is done.
  5. C

    Is this a male

    I definitely can’t say anything for certain, and the problem is compounded by the fact that this male plant actually tipped over twice out of nowhere last couple days (although now I wonder if it did that intentionally lol ) but based on what I am reading it seems like at this early stage there...
  6. C

    Is this a male

    Started the seeds mid April, moved outside May 24th… haven’t been tracking weeks figured since it’s outdoor the sun decides. But they just started showing true signs of flowering. If I had to guess I would say those sacs appeared within the last few days a week max. Because I am so short on...
  7. C

    Is this a male

    I pinched a couple off literally nothing inside… So unless the pollen or whatever is microscopic, which I’m sure is possible, I am hoping I caught this in time and haven’t hermied my other plants. Here he is, in all his glory.. fucker.
  8. C

    Is this a male

    Yea I’m moving it now because I’m growing 4 on a rooftop terrace and they’re a bit crowded with constant moderate to strong breeze. this is brutal:wall::wall:
  9. C

    Is this a male

    fuckkkk lol ok thanks guys. This sucks.
  10. C

    Is this a male

    Hey everyone wondering if I can get your opinion? Started 4 plants from seed, all thriving. But now I think one of the 4 is male. I ordered special feminized seed from a supposedly reputable website, but I guess this can still happen… pretty pissed so much work. Based on these pics any...
  11. C

    Wide flat main stalk very strange any ideas?

    It split very early and then split again when I fimd but there’s still two clear colas above the rest, this being one of them. I should’ve researched earlier but I thought it was just so bizarre I wanted to see it through. As far as watering it was dusk when I took the photos, sun was down so it...
  12. C

    Wide flat main stalk very strange any ideas?

    Hmm dang someone told me to cut it like a month ago but thought it was too late to cut it off. Do you think it’s definitely too late now or should I try and hope it splits into something more normal?
  13. C

    Wide flat main stalk very strange any ideas?

    Seems like a bunch of stems kind of fused together to create an extremely wide but flat stalk. Plant is a about 6 feet. It starts half way up. All other offshoots are fine. Main question is will this produce significant bud or is it better to chop the top and hope for the best? Otherwise all...
  14. C

    Two tap roots one seed.

    Slow going but they’re coming around. One of the twins only has one cotyledon leaf. My hope is once the first set of leaves take over she’ll be fine. The other that was only slightly damaged seems to be progressing in line with my others, maybe slightly slower but should pick up. We’ll see how...
  15. C

    Used wrong soil for seeds they still sprouted is is too late to change??

    Just want to update - after deliberating for a few days I decided to transplant them into the proper soil. 7/8 did awesome the 8th was dead by the time I made the decision. I popped another blueberry and it gave me twins lol separated those. One looking ok the other maybe. Anyway the point of...
  16. C

    Two tap roots one seed.

    Lol i split them. One doing fine the other... not so much. Their initial leaves were kind of fused together. Devito probably not gonna make it but I’ll update!
  17. C

    Two tap roots one seed.

    Looks like I got the same thing happening here. What to do what to just came off
  18. C

    Used wrong soil for seeds they still sprouted is is too late to change??

    Ok yea I think I just need to be patient here, just went ahead with using that soil against my better judgment and kind of panicking as a result. They’ve all opened up there just kind of drooping a bit but I guess that’s to be expected given how new they are and all that. First time trying from...
  19. C

    Used wrong soil for seeds they still sprouted is is too late to change??

    Lol they were expensive genetics, of course! Spend tons of money on seeds but don’t get the right soil. Honestly wasn’t being cheap I just listened to someone I should not have, despite knowing better. Probably will leave for a day or two but I’ll keep you posted! Thanks for the advice man.
  20. C

    Used wrong soil for seeds they still sprouted is is too late to change??

    And sorry one last follow up - once a seedling emerges is it normal to stall at that point? These popped through Saturday and they look unchanged at best. Been very careful not to mess with them but I don’t know..