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  1. sierra_indoors


    So I recently switched back to soil after 5 years of hydro and my plants looks Hella sad. 50percent coco 50 percent FFOF. Not feeding anything atm. Calmag didn't seems to help?
  2. sierra_indoors

    Fan leaves purpling day 36 flower

    So i figured it out. My ph probe was off 2 points got it dialed in a 5.8 now hopefully the plant will eat some phosphorus now
  3. sierra_indoors

    Fan leaves purpling day 36 flower

    Running 2.0 ec atm just bumped it up from 1.8
  4. sierra_indoors

    Fan leaves purpling day 36 flower

    Rdwc with a chiller running floraflex,slf100,floralicious plus, calmag under 1000w double endeds
  5. sierra_indoors

    Fan leaves purpling day 36 flower

    72 at night 81 during day
  6. sierra_indoors

    Fan leaves purpling day 36 flower

    So the last couple days my fan leaves have been turning purple from the inside out which tells me they have a phosphate difficency. Should I change my res to a late bloom schedule or can I just start adding the late bloom/ripening nutes to the reservoir when I add fresh water?
  7. sierra_indoors

    leaves points up at night

    I mean they look healthy for now, they're killing it actually but I don't want this green led to herm my shit out. Bought it from the hydro store and everything but still second guessing it. If you guys advize strictly against 24hour green light please let me know.
  8. sierra_indoors

    leaves points up at night

    It's not currently on all the time but I'd like to leave it on so I can see them on my cameras
  9. sierra_indoors

    leaves points up at night

    Yeah I keep a green light in my grow room so I can work on them at night
  10. sierra_indoors

    leaves points up at night

    yeah but I also don't wake up till I see some sunlight. Injust wanna make sure my green light in my grow room isn't fucking up the photosynthesis
  11. sierra_indoors

    leaves points up at night

    It was close to morning.
  12. sierra_indoors

    leaves points up at night

    Is it normal for your leaves to perk up during the night cycle?normally my leaves droop at night but today I went in with a green light and they were perked up as if I had the lights on.
  13. sierra_indoors

    Yellow leaves from top down

    I mean you think there's no such thing as cal and magnesium deficiency you must be a different level of retarded so imma quit wasting my time with someone who nicknames them self after a fast food joint
  14. sierra_indoors

    Yellow leaves from top down

    Bet you grow some shit weed and just troll these forums cause you have no family nor friends.
  15. sierra_indoors

    Yellow leaves from top down

    New? I got 10 years doing this pushing a gram a watt so say what you want but when my plants turn purple stemmed and start changing colors I check my pH first and add calmag second if that wasn't the issue.
  16. sierra_indoors

    Yellow leaves from top down

    I guess we can disagree. You must grow soil.
  17. sierra_indoors

    Yellow leaves from top down

    calmag deficiency will lock the plant nitrogen uptake. My plants turn yellow I hit em with calmag and they bounce right back.
  18. sierra_indoors

    GrandiGuava day 10 since flip update

    Room temp sit at 78 lights on about 71 lights off. Water Temps 64 with a chiller and humidity is 55-60 I'd like it to be a little higher to get a smalled VPD number but my ac fights the humidifier and new equipment isn't really In the budget cause I'm moving outta state soon.
  19. sierra_indoors

    Flawless FINISH - how to properly flush ? Help ! Day 66

    Feed SLF100 for flush. It's a enzyme that breaks down the salts so your plant can leach the nutes out.