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  1. Rizlared

    Free Money one can explain how it's fraudulent. No one can see a flaw in it effect...non of you have said anything. Hot substance. What a positive contribution to this site you all are
  2. Rizlared

    Free Money

    Rather than say nothing about something you aren't interested in and clearly know nothing feel the need to insult and abuse. Such negativity. It really is quite sad
  3. Rizlared

    Free Money

    I pity you fellas
  4. Rizlared

    Free Money

    oh...and for anyone interested bookies know people do this they don't care. On average, someone who opens an online account loses £200 before they stop So they don't care. Don't be average
  5. Rizlared

    Why do Americans want a WW3?

    What is it about my posts that thinks is have ever been banned? Now i know that it's a hobby of yours to abuse people on here Glad it makes you happy
  6. Rizlared

    Free Money

    Now, one of four things must be true. 1) our countries have different laws relating to this... possible 2) i haven't explained myself clearly (if that's the case, anyone can feel free to msg me) 3) you are so bitter that you can't grasp the concept that someone might just try and do something...
  7. Rizlared

    Free Money

    now you've made an accusation...back it up!
  8. Rizlared

    Free Money

    I know from your previous posts that you are a waste of time and effort
  9. Rizlared

    Free Money

    Elaborate, where the fraudulent activity?
  10. Rizlared

    Why do Americans want a WW3?

    Because two people can't have mutual respect, obviously, and therefore friends. If you apply that suggests that you try and fuck all your friends. Each to their own i guess
  11. Rizlared

    Free Money

    ...for anyone too stupid to understand, you aren't actually risking any money. You are trading free bets for actual cash...which you then withdraw. Then never place another bet. the fuck do i benefit from others doing that? Haters gotta hate i guess
  12. Rizlared

    Free Money

    oh dear oh dear Basically, i did this a couple of years ago and earned myself £450 ish. My mate is moving into a new house and is a bit skint so i told him how to do it. Being bored and on riu i thought I'd share it...and look at the response!! I won't waste time or energy trading insults...
  13. Rizlared

    Free Money

    Welcome all... Who'd like some free money? You will need some money and time to achieve this but it's fairly risk free. Some of you may know of this but for those who don't...we want to take advantage of the online bookmakers who give introductory offers to new account holders. READ THE...
  14. Rizlared

    Why do Americans want a WW3?

    ^^^ this i like^^^
  15. Rizlared

    Why do Americans want a WW3?

    The USA won't bomb Britain. Why would it? You say "jump" and our desperate politicians ask "how high" You say "spend more on defence and contribute more to NATO" so we do, irrespective of the wishes of the taxpayer. You go gung go into middle eastern nations for profit/business interests and...
  16. Rizlared

    Why do Americans want a WW3?

    but they outspend any other nation 20/1 on 'defence'....which is an Orwellian way of meaning 'attack' Priorities eh
  17. Rizlared

    Why do Americans want a WW3?

    Thanks for taking the time but i have multiple issues with your reply. 1) Russia. You've replied with the political differences between Russia and the US yet the "dirty fingers" comment was related to business. Google operation Ajax. This is how the US behaves and has done for over half a...
  18. Rizlared

    Why do Americans want a WW3?

    My cousin understands economics so much better than me...he also warns of the crash you speak of. Heavy times
  19. Rizlared

    Why do Americans want a WW3?

    Hard to argue against that :clap:
  20. Rizlared

    Why do Americans want a WW3?

    May i ask... Why is it that, when Russia had foreign business interests, you refer to it as them "digging their dirty fingers in a bit deeper?" Yet you boast of USA being the no1 country in the world... financially achieved by (empire) overseas business interests and foreign policy...