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  1. denise grey

    Cat & Peach's 2K Grow

    hwo much ddi that cost rosie????
  2. denise grey

    Positive people required!!

  3. denise grey

    just got fired from joes crab shack?!!!!!!!

  4. denise grey

    Bernie Sanders is the most popular politician in the US

    NO ONE believs your stupid FAKE polls anymor, only 32 % of poeple and thats not many!!!!!!!
  5. denise grey

    Trump is already making my world great. Dow above 20,000

    im so sorry, do you need me to be mroe politcal correct!!!!! omulattocare???? ohalfricancare? you libs screaming every oen is racsit are the REAL ractits!!!!!
  6. denise grey

    Trump Is Here Now

    we are all SICK of the MULSIMS and we are going to ban them. the refuges WILL have to go back. deal with it, libtards. or move to saudi arababi!!!!!!!
  7. denise grey

    Trump EO's on Border/Immigration

    !!!!!!!!! libtadrs are so stupid they tusrt goddamn MEXCIO more than the president!!!!!!!!
  8. denise grey

    will mexican companies absorb the 20% tariff trump puts on their goods?

    mexcio IS GOING TO PAY for it. REAL AMERICA is DONE with illeglas spearding DISEASE and stealing jbos from us. kiss your percios SANCTUARY CITIES GOODBYE!!!!!1 AND WE ARE GOING TO DEPORT ALL 30 MILLION ILLGALES!!!!!! thank GOD for trump!
  9. denise grey

    Trump is already making my world great. Dow above 20,000

    i am on mediacid because i CA NNOT AFFORD OBLACKMACARE which is UNCONSTIITUIONAL becaues you cant force americans to pay for health inusrance. obama hired 17,000 IRS AGENTS to enforce OBUMMERCARE an put people in jail! THOUSANDS OF NEW IRS AGENTS HIRED TO ENFORCE OBAMACARE JULY 3, 2012 0...
  10. denise grey


    ROUND EM UP AND DEPORT EM! GO TRUMP! DRIVE OUT THE RATS! Transition of Power Sanctuary cities risk billions in defiance of Trump by Octavio Blanco @CNNMoneyNovember 19, 2016: 9:28 AM ET Your video will play in 00:09 New York. Santa Fe. Chicago. Some of America's largest cities say they are...
  11. denise grey


    i was UNFAIRLY FIRED becayse we AMERICANS cant evn say some one is a jew or a porto rican anymore without beng PUNISHED for free speech.
  12. denise grey

    Public education is about to take a big hit !!!

    no i do not trust bankers.
  13. denise grey


    CNN said we are going to pya for the wall but MEXICO is goign to. FAKE NEWS!
  14. denise grey

    Public education is about to take a big hit !!!

    good. i NO NOT TRUST goverment ANYTHING.
  15. denise grey

    CNN IS FAKE NEWS 7.4K 5 2 Here’s why CNN avoids reporting news in favor of false narratives designed to suppress human potential to the benefit of the predatory elite. Robot Waiters Invade America The tech elite are removing human waiters out of the equation by...
  16. denise grey

    Donald Trump is not smart enough to become a dictator. Sad.

    we arent MORONS we ear AMERICASN and when you keep INSULTING us like a CHILD you are asking to eb SPANKED!!!!!
  17. denise grey

    How to say no?

    sickos like you who want to MURDER BABIES and SPIT ON COPS are waht is rong with america!!!!!
  18. denise grey

    just got fired from joes crab shack?!!!!!!!

    go invit a muslim ento YOUR HOME then!!!!! not mine.
  19. denise grey

    trump is a god

    exactly!!!! REAL AMERICA has had enough with homos and pansy boys......we are going to GET RID OF muslims and mexicans that ar taking OUR WAY OF LIFE from us!!!!!!!!!!!! i DO NOT WANT some guy with a PEMIS in the bathroom with my grandkids!!!!!! and if you do YOUR SICK!
  20. denise grey

    just got fired from joes crab shack?!!!!!!!

    all thesee precios liberal SNOWFLAKES need to wise up quick. WHITE america got SICK AND TIRED of the muslim shoving everything down out throats!!!!!! things will get back to how they were and we will MAKE AMEFRICA GREATT AGAIN just like it was before all these whiny liberals started shoving...