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  1. N

    Swollen calyx or herm? PLEASE HELP

    Thanks for the advice. Your flowers look amazing
  2. N

    Swollen calyx or herm? PLEASE HELP

    That’s what I been told. Just being paranoid seeing this is my first grow. Definitely want to pinch one to make sure
  3. N

    Swollen calyx or herm? PLEASE HELP

    Will do. Thanks
  4. N

    Swollen calyx or herm? PLEASE HELP

  5. N

    First grow getting orange hairs

    No they are not I usually feed at 800 ppm
  6. N

    First grow getting orange hairs

    This my first grow I’m at 30 days into flower and getting orange hairs was wondering if I should be concerned. I did feed a little heavy and cause some nute burn. Started flushing the plants ppm was at 1400 going to give them ph water until ppm reach about 900 before feeding again. Any pointers...
  7. N

    Leaf problems

    I water with distilled water with cal mag ph to 6.2. I check the ph of the runoff a week ago and it was 6.6 the ppm be about 250
  8. N

    Leaf problems

    I have leafs toward the bottom of two of my plants that are wilting and one plants new growth has light green tips. I have not feed any nutes yet. I transplanted into ffof 15 days ago. Should I fed nutes? Should I remove the leafs? I checked for bugs and don’t see any got yellow sticky traps and...
  9. N

    Tear on main stem

    Thank you guys I just taped it up. Appreciate the help
  10. N

    Tear on main stem

    I’m a new grower was attempting some lst and heard a slight snap and saw a tear on the main stem. Should I be concern?
  11. N

    First time grow. Wavy leaves

    Just want to know if this is normal or I’m doing too much of something. I’m in a 3x3 light is a sf400 (a bit of overkill but I plan on getting a 4x4). I’m currently running the light at 35% about 30 inches away. Day time temps 78 degrees RH 65. Night time temp 70 degrees. I’m in soil FFHF...