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  1. S

    Is this a potassium deficiency?

    So with a mixture of luck and will the plants have survived and are beginning to look half way decent. Drying them out seemed to be half the solution, this stopped the problems from getting any worse. After a week of being indoors in the dry and warm the uk summer sun finally decided to make an...
  2. S

    Is this a potassium deficiency?

    Interesting, I've got some tomatoes in a cloth pot (a 60lt 'bag' pot) and they're absolutely massive, nearly as tall as me with stalks fatter than my thumb. I wish the ganja grew like that :leaf: I've also got one of those air pots, but haven't used it yet, was waiting for the plants to get...
  3. S

    Is this a potassium deficiency?

    Lights aint gonna happen, as much as I'd love to see them benefit from it. Totally dependant on the British weather (yeah, I know...) I will try the Epsom salts though, thanks for that. Should I repot them into fresh soil, mixing some perlite into it first? Or can you somehow mix it in with the...
  4. S

    Is this a potassium deficiency?

    So over the course of the week they've worsened. I've stepped up the nutrient feed to a 19-19-19, which they had a dose of on Sunday before I put them outside to see if it was fresh air that they're lacking. Evidently it seems not, now I'm not sure what to do; it's heart breaking to watch them...
  5. S

    Is this a potassium deficiency?

    Hi all, I hate to be the complete novice asking for help, but unfortunately I am. This problem has developed over the last few days and I'm quite worried about it. My setup is very low tech, a somewhat opaque greenhouse in the garden. The plant gets fed with tomato feed and watered once or...
  6. S

    Loft grow - value of a tent?

    or am I better off just gettng a tent? I'm only going to grow 1 or 2 plants, but I do have a 600w light setup, so what size tent?
  7. S

    Loft grow - value of a tent?

    I've got a friend who's a carpenter, could I get him to make a cabinet from wood? and line it with the reflective emergency blankets, and use fitted fans to remove air (heat)? what sort of space and fan would you need for a 600w (MH/HPS) bulb?
  8. S

    Loft grow - value of a tent?

    ok, that makes sense. I suppose the concerns go the other way when encasing a 600w bulb though eh? :)
  9. S

    Loft grow - value of a tent?

    I mean, if I rig up a 600w bulb and ballast on a timer, a couple of oscillating fans also on timers, and obviously give the (1 or 2 max) plants the time, care and attention they need; do I really need the enclosed, vented, filtered, mylar coated, several hundred £/$ grow tent as well?
  10. S

    Loft grow - value of a tent?

    The loft is pretty much pitch black, it's secure, lights can be hung from the beams, fans can benefit the already fairly good air flow.. would a specialist grow tent from a hyrdro shop be worth its cost?