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  1. Los Reefersaurus

    sized extension cords

    don't buy a cheap china cord they only rate the wire not the wire to plug attachment. Buy a contractor grade cord that cost more. ANd about the gauge there are charts on line to reference remember you don't want to exceed 75% of the rating for a...
  2. Los Reefersaurus

    Does anyone use Superthrive?

    It's a shock absorber, it has lots of Vitimin B mircobes amino acids magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, and nitrogen. Use it before or right after trans planting, heat shock, weird light schedule, like a broken timer or a power outage, co2 fuck up ect. It is good for...
  3. Los Reefersaurus

    Does anyone use Superthrive?

    Ya I have it I use it as one of my plant medicines. Meaning I don't use it all the time but I will use it if I notice weak roots or a stressed out plant that needs a boost.. I will use it both on the roots and foliarly . There are cheaper ways that...
  4. Los Reefersaurus

    Over or under watered?

    if they arn't think fuzzy white and happy then there is a problem. Take a picture so we can see what you got.
  5. Los Reefersaurus

    Over or under watered?

    are there holes right in the bottom of the cup? If you have Gnats you will want the bottoms to drain all the way. This might be academic and not a problem for you but this is what I see here. The plants look pretty happy, the yellow leaf is probably the...
  6. Los Reefersaurus

    Doctor G barebulb horizontal vertical new way to grow

    i used to grow in b pods but that was before I took an arrow to the knee
  7. Los Reefersaurus


    ....yes mum..... * walks away head lowered hands behind back
  8. Los Reefersaurus


    shut up mom. GOD!!!!!!!!!!!! ,, I told you not to follow me on the internet, I am sooooo embarrassed!!
  9. Los Reefersaurus

    Some help please

    this chart looks wrong to me, I am 90 % sure that Calcium is not moble. and the n and the mag sign looks a little different then they are showing
  10. Los Reefersaurus

    Some help please

    Looks like a non mobile nutrient issue to me. I think you have a Calcium lock out or deficiency, this is either a ph issue or a lack of Cal issue
  11. Los Reefersaurus

    Some help please

    How many leaves and which leaves look like that?
  12. Los Reefersaurus

    This yellowing is normal?

    With all those problem signs at once I would recommend checking your grounds. I bet your dirt is too warm and you got anaerobic bacteria turning all your nitrates into nitrites. I bet you just hit a wall with the amount of N in your soil and that if you...
  13. Los Reefersaurus

    smaller efficient dehumidifier?

    maybe consider exchanging more air volume from the tent. You have the best dehumidifier already, you will be really disappointed if you buy another small one
  14. Los Reefersaurus

    Anybody grown tortured beans lately?

    I got the gb x4 back cross see my thread curious misadventures
  15. Los Reefersaurus

    The Curious Misadventures of Gorilla Bubble4

    Day 36- We have had a nice spurt. The leaves finally are big and normal looking, some are still doing the blade cross over thing and some have grown out of it. One plant is 14 inches tall the rest are 8.5 to 10 inches. Everything is very consistent other...
  16. Los Reefersaurus

    Isn’t this signs of being male or pre flower?

    first pic most likely yes, give it a little more time to be 100% and the second nothing yet
  17. Los Reefersaurus

    Is this a pollen sack?

    turn a light on and take better pictures if you want us to help you, put a little effort in if you want us to put effort in
  18. Los Reefersaurus

    Question for all the hps growers

    Best in show are the acde by solar. Allows the bulbs to heat up to proper operational temp, good foot print, and good at getting rid of btus
  19. Los Reefersaurus

    What did you accomplish today?

    sewed 400 custom sized grow bags and repotted 400 plants over the last 3 days.... soooooo done... smoke and bed
  20. Los Reefersaurus

    Male or female don't want to waste time

    this looks male. Maybe give him another couple of days , but this looks male