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  1. Uncle Reefer

    Let’s see that gorilla

    yup my best is caked at day 23. Also the smells, this batch some are super sour.
  2. Uncle Reefer

    Let’s see that gorilla

    Sure, I don't mind,10 beans 6 ladies 4 gents. Of the 6 ladies, 1 is fire, 3 are fantastic, 1 is good but the bar is now so high that it is sorta meh and one that is culable. THe best I am very confident will one day test at 30%
  3. Uncle Reefer

    The Curious Misadventures of Gorilla Bubble4

    Rebranding, I am he who was once known as Losreefersaurus... anyway
  4. Uncle Reefer

    Let’s see that gorilla

    GB#4 There are 4 different phenotypes in this picture and 3 of them are fantastic top drawer stuff, there are 2 more phenos and one of them is fantastic as well and the other is no slouch either
  5. Uncle Reefer

    30 DAY EVICTION NOTICE! What would YOU do?!

    kill it off, start over at the new place. Don't make your life harder than it needs to be. You are in a place of weakness right now so go along to get along till you are strong again. I know no one wants to hear this but the truth is the truth. Reduce variables live a simple and easy life .
  6. Uncle Reefer

    Life expectancy of 1000w phantom ballast

    I run my ballast till they don't run anymore. They don't really lose anything as they age. However, newer ballasts are better and brighter than older ballasts. IE my Solis tecks are better than my old purple digitals. And the purps are better than the old magnetics. Also, keep in mind...
  7. Uncle Reefer


    your instinct is correct 18/6 is fine. OThers will work as well but 18/6 is fine
  8. Uncle Reefer


    Didn't read anyone else's post Definitively, you can clone a clone every month for 20 years without issue. Just basic shit you have to keep in mind like not overfeeding the doner and no disease and no bugs. Uncle Reefer OUT
  9. Uncle Reefer

    Gorilla Bubble

    I am going to say, this is not the case. Your F1 will seem very consistent. F2 you will start to see much variation. Anyway, F4's you will still see a lot of variation. IT will take many more generations to get homogeneity
  10. Uncle Reefer

    How many watts of lights to produce min of 12 lbs a month

    12000w flower plus 1600w veg, plus a good grower will net you 24 pounds every 2 months This is just light. this doesn't include ac fans ecu's etc
  11. Uncle Reefer

    Extreme low humidity!

    This is the best solution here I use a massive one but with a tent, you could get away with a little one, also thier50 buck humidistat controllers are the fucking BOMB!!!
  12. Uncle Reefer

    Dehumidifier Help...?

    Nope, no need to get it that low, under 50%-60% will do
  13. Uncle Reefer

    Dehumidifier Help...?

    50-60% at night is fine if your temps stay above 70 degrees AND YOU DON"T HAVE A COLD SINK!! Like a cold wall or exposed cold pipes or cold window. You know something that will draw condensation.
  14. Uncle Reefer

    White bud looking things on top of cola

    That is light bleaching, your plant is too close to the light. Back it off a bit. That white bit will never heal. Dontfeel bad it is all growing pains.... get it growing pains? lol. Before you adjust the light, do your self a favor and take a light reading at those plant tips, for future...
  15. Uncle Reefer

    What happens if you have more than 4 plants?

    you got to jail. It is a self-administering program so be honest.
  16. Uncle Reefer

    Clone advice

    Do your thing man, you beautiful disaster. If you take any advice it will ruin that fantastic shit show you got going on. You are living a charmed life. If you start doing it properly, it will get much worse before it gets better. Cheers to you, you magical fool
  17. Uncle Reefer

    Stretch With Cobs?

    you should get less stretch unless you have them too spread out too far, too, from or too turned down. You probably were suffering from low photon count with your plerples
  18. Uncle Reefer

    Anyone carry a knife daily?

    because there are cougars and bears and methedout mushroom pickers around where I walk my dog. when you pull this people fuck right off , and it gives a little more courage to run at a bear ,or couger
  19. Uncle Reefer

    help wiring thermostat

    From the wall ,live goes to 1 , neutral goes to N , earth doesnt go to the thrmostate. to the heater 2 goes to the hot wire and you can tie your Neutral wire in with the other N or other Neutral or put it on the other N post. Doesnt matter. YOur Earth from the...