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  1. DJ991

    4th week of flower....spots on leaves, HELP!

    After i give the cal mag, How do I know it's recouping?
  2. DJ991

    4th week of flower....spots on leaves, HELP!

    Thanks a lot, overall do they look ok? WI'll I get a decent yield?
  3. DJ991

    4th week of flower....spots on leaves, HELP!

    Checked under the leaves, pics below. Still no signs of websites at all...I misted and nothing
  4. DJ991

    4th week of flower....spots on leaves, HELP!

    The one on the righthas the spotting...this was taken about a week ago
  5. DJ991

    4th week of flower....spots on leaves, HELP!

    No, two different strains, not exactly sure what the strains are, but seeds were ordered from reputable place they just got mixed up by a butt hole brother....chanced are one of them is Afghan kush, or an Afghan strain because i bought mostly those. I think the taller, unnafectted, one is...
  6. DJ991

    4th week of flower....spots on leaves, HELP!

    Praying it's not spider mites...
  7. DJ991

    4th week of flower....spots on leaves, HELP!

    They are brownish, I think....I'll know more in the's killing me that I can't check on her right now....what's weird is its only affecting one of the two plants I have in the tent
  8. DJ991

    4th week of flower....spots on leaves, HELP!

    Not giving cal mag, and I don't have any webs...gonna check the bottom of the leaves at lights on in the AM Just ordered cal mag one dose during next watering....about 2 or 3 days away
  9. DJ991

    4th week of flower....spots on leaves, HELP!

    I'm thinking calcium deficiency, but I'm a noob
  10. DJ991

    4th week of flower....spots on leaves, HELP!

    Another pic
  11. DJ991

    4th week of flower....spots on leaves, HELP!

    I've come too far for this crap! I'm on day 29 of flower, and I have spots on some of my is it? I am using FF trio and following the feeding chart. Is it nute burn or deficiency?
  12. DJ991

    1st grow, should I switch to flower?

    Any idea how much they will yield? Day 26 since i flipped them to flower, fox farm trio nutes
  13. DJ991

    1st grow, should I switch to flower?

    23 days into flower....plants are looking great!! Tips for support of outer limbs? I did some lst and topped both plants....
  14. DJ991

    Picking up steam, 1 question though....

    My humidity at night is around 67%. Went to Homedepot and grabbed an eva dry....anyone have experience with it?
  15. DJ991

    Picking up steam, 1 question though....

    I was thinking so, I have them at about 14 inches now
  16. DJ991

    Picking up steam, 1 question though....

    My lights too far away westcoast?
  17. DJ991

    Picking up steam, 1 question though....

    Another pic
  18. DJ991

    Picking up steam, 1 question though....

    Thanks a lot! Light is about 20 inches away, but I can bring it closer....