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  1. cuervoman13

    quick question about neem oil

    Thanks for the replies. I'm using rock wool right now, but from what I've read that may be whats holding the gnat larvae. Gonna switch it up when I start germing this next batch. Also gonna go to a cooler for my res temps. Again, thanks for the help.
  2. cuervoman13

    quick question about neem oil

    Just wondering if the neem oil mix can be used in the reservoir. The foiliar spray works great for the gnats for the plant, but my main source of gnats is coming from the root system it seems. Every time, 2 to 3 days, I go to clean her the gnats fly out from the reservoir. please help if you...
  3. cuervoman13

    Nice, my second bubbleponics grow is starting to flower

    So this is my second grow and things are going much better now. The problem with the first try was space, I just didn't have enough of it. Now I have a 4x4x6'6" grow tent. Temps are now into the 72-80 range and the rh is 30-45% normally. I am using some pure blend pro grow and bloom for...
  4. cuervoman13

    Looking for a good bud to start out PLESE HELP**

    You really need to look for a strain/plant that's gonna fit your space. but if you just want yield for the beginner you need to get some big bud. have never heard anything bad about it. but i've only smoked it, haven't grown it yet. those are gonna get germ'd in 4 weeks. anyway, have fun...
  5. cuervoman13


    yeah, he's killing you in all the threads. and if you got some proof about him using other peoples pics then you should put it out there.
  6. cuervoman13

    New Guy need help, Bubbleponics

    put up the link so we can see what you're talking about
  7. cuervoman13

    [Question] Will I need anything else if I get this system?

    What's going on cloud, welcome to the community. It was about 6 months ago i found myself in the same situation as you. What you have will be a fine starter kit. I bought something along those lines and the fever took over. My first stealth cab has now become my clone box, i gutted an old...
  8. cuervoman13

    General Hydroponics Dual Diaphram Pump

    can you post a pic of the pump. i'm looking to get a new one myself and there are just so many options out. thanks bro.
  9. cuervoman13

    Cloning in a Cup of Water

    Really appreciate this thread bro. Doing exactly like you said. First time here and it was great to see such a simple method. Well here they are, mother and clone. Thanks again:hump:
  10. cuervoman13

    FuZZyBuDz takes a D.W.C. dip, first hydro grow! {of course theres piks}

    WOW! Man, you got me all types of hyped up right now. My lady is just starting to bud and it was great to see you have such a good harvest. Have fun with all the treats. Gonna be checking in for some more little tips in your other grow. Thanks.
  11. cuervoman13

    Up to Date Photos of Your Girls!

    What's going on guys? Some great pics ya'll got going on here. Here's my lady, Sally, about a week into flower. She is the sole survivor, the two others were dudes. Anyway, let me know what you think.:hump:
  12. cuervoman13

    D.W.C 'Show-Off' THREAD. post your pretty and proud DWC piks here

    Great thread and tons of awesome pics. This is Sally, and she is the only one that survived out of 3. The other 2 ended up with nuts. She is just starting to bud. This being my first grow and all I'm pretty stoked. Don't know what strain she is, free seed from the bank first for this grow...
  13. cuervoman13

    how do you guyys like my weed plant?

    yeah, def not a pot plant. just go get yourself some cheap stuff filled with seed and start yourself a grow.
  14. cuervoman13


    Thanks for the reply. I am a noob, so I am not sure what you mean by alternating nodes. I will post some more recent pics after i get home from the ball game. There are minor light leaks, but I keep it dark in there all the time and shades closed. Thanks, I really appreciate any help.
  15. cuervoman13


    Hopefully this has happened to one of you guys and I can get some good advice. I had a total of 3 plants. I switched them over to flower about 4 weeks ago and 2 were male and got the ax, but the other one is doing nothing but getting bushier and getting a thicker stalk. No signs of nuts or...
  16. cuervoman13


    Pretty sure I got a hermie here. Maybe even straight male. First time grower, and would really appreciate the help.
  17. cuervoman13

    What do I do?

    Yeah, I read that in the grow bible and had that in the back of my head as well. I appreciate the advice, and will put up a couple pics when my girl gets home with the camera. There is a huge height difference between the plants. The other to seem to be growing out just as much as they are...
  18. cuervoman13

    What do I do?

    No, no signs of sex yet. Possibly, but this being my first grow I most likely won't know until it's got balls in my face. And how exactly would go about tying it back. The stem is starting to get good size and I wouldn't want to break it. Thanks for the feedback, greatly appreciated...
  19. cuervoman13

    What do I do?

    Here's the deal... I started flowering about 8 days ago. I have a mini dwc setup and a stealth grow box I'm doing this in, so space is getting crowded. These strains are unknown cause they are the free seeds from the bank. I have one plant that has shot up about 6in over the rest in these...
  20. cuervoman13

    7 day old plant spindaly!

    brother, you need some better lighting. you can go to home depot or lowes and get you a pack of 4 cfls for like $12. do this immediately. you can also get light socket adapters that plug right into a power strip/surge protector and that will solve your no outlet to screw into issue and also...