Did anything happen to the one plant that would have stressed it into flowering? I did that my last grow unfortunately.
Or is it assumed auto because it’s short/stocky and flowered so early? Or because that happens with Crop King orders on the reg?
Okay cool. I’m only on my second grow and the first time I didn’t do anything right :lol: So I’m trying to do things right this time and appreciate all tips and tricks!
Oh thank you! I’m so sorry I’m assuming this is already on the site somewhere since it’s a quote? Can you point me to the section so I can read through it for more helpful stuff?
Seriously thank you for the link.
Edit: Yup I’m dumb. I thought it was a product link but I got it.
As I understand it as long as you’re not deep into flower you can LST the entire time once out of seedling stage. I would start tying back to see how your lady responds and I bet you’ll be impressed! Really bushes them out:weed:
I’ve heard some mixed reviews but I have personally ordered from ILGM five or six times and have always had great success. They have a germination guarantee and will send you replacement seeds but honestly I’ve popped ten or more seeds and never had issues. They are expensive but IMO worth it.
So I tried getting a hygrometer/thermometer that I could access from at work to keep an eye on my ladies throughout the day (been having heat issues with my lights) and I purchased this one
But turns out it’s only Bluetooth enabled so I can only get updates when I’m at home, which...
Oh my goodness beautiful.
Edit: So I just googled them, you’re right the common name is Air Plants! Genus is I think Tillandsia but I could be mistaken. And look what some people have done! So clever!
Aww I’ve always wanted a Christmas cactus! I tried taking a segment off of one and rooting it but I was unfaithful in watering so it ended up dying. Killing a cactus from lack of water..damn
Yeah I can understand that. When I google stuff I get lost on the internet for hours.. I’m the queen of rabbit holes:lol: Google is like YouTube for me. I just love learning. Especially about weed!:eyesmoke: