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  1. STX.OrganicGuerilla

    Plants are suddenly dying

    Yes start with 1/4 the recommended amount. But honestly with the ocean forest in big enough pots no nutes are needed, I would skip veg nutes maybe just some bloom boosters later on when flowering. I veg in solo cups with 1/3 mix of each of the happy frog, ocean forest and perlite for 4-5 weeks...
  2. STX.OrganicGuerilla

    Help please. White Widow week 3 of flower (pics)

    Looks like nute burn plus some other problems. Do you have well draining pots? Just google cannabis plant problems and the fistr link should have all the photos of possible problems causes and treatments.
  3. STX.OrganicGuerilla

    Plants are suddenly dying

    Good start bud, which soil did you order? The the happy frog and the ocean forest you want to wait a week or two depending on pot size before adding any nutes. They have lots of goods in em' already. In big enoungh pots no nutes really needed with ocean forest, but you can add them after the...
  4. STX.OrganicGuerilla

    First LED grow (week 6.5 of flower) (yield?)

    How have temps been throughout the grow?
  5. STX.OrganicGuerilla

    What beans are you popping next?

    Where can I order seeds online and ship to tx?
  6. STX.OrganicGuerilla

    Plants are suddenly dying

    Find some mg organic choice from lowes or home depot or (preferably) some fox farm soil from a local nursery, gardening, or even a hydro store may have some. Light warrior or happy frog for seedlings and ocean forest to transplant into.
  7. STX.OrganicGuerilla

    Plants are suddenly dying

    20 inches at first with only diodes on, transplanted then put them on the floor about 32 inches, plan on firing up cobs soon. Still working on heat, steady 74-78 but when cobs fire up temps hit 90.
  8. STX.OrganicGuerilla

    Plants are suddenly dying

    Just transplanted mine yesterday.
  9. STX.OrganicGuerilla

    Plants are suddenly dying

    If you going to use MG soil use their organic choice and maybe some perlite. The timed feeding soils are bad and MG soils clump together making it hard for roots to grow. Have fun.
  10. STX.OrganicGuerilla

    Dark spots on leaves?

    And so I did! Can I have some opinions on temp.
  11. STX.OrganicGuerilla

    Dark spots on leaves?

    Root ball and current setup. 2 sativas and 1 indica.
  12. STX.OrganicGuerilla

    Dark spots on leaves?

    Dark spots on the lower leaves on one of 3 babes. Mystery genetics. Just noticed today after leaving to school and coming back. Looks to me like a calcium issue. FFHF/FFOF/EWC/Perlite Transplanted since pic into 5 gallon smart pot with 1/3 OF, 1/3 Perlite, 1/3 Supersoil. Given one watering of...
  13. STX.OrganicGuerilla

    250w LED Supersoil v. FF Trio

    Thats what I've done so far, going to get the vent fan today. I have a small clip fan laying in the top port blowing in cooler air and the floor fan blowing up and it dropped the temp a bit but thats only with the diodes. The cobs add an extra 10 degrees or so. They were praying pretty hard at...
  14. STX.OrganicGuerilla

    Help please. White Widow week 3 of flower (pics)

    Dont know if open windows in south texas would help any lol. I'll try some exhaust fans first before buying an ac unit. I was just looking for alternative solutions some growers may have tried to some avail but I guess you havent had anything work other than what you suggest.. AC units, Fans...
  15. STX.OrganicGuerilla

    Help please. White Widow week 3 of flower (pics)

    Would dry ice cool better? it could also release some co2 and last longer than water ice.
  16. STX.OrganicGuerilla

    Help please. White Widow week 3 of flower (pics)

    You guys got any tricks for cooling a grow tent. Just got all set up but my led rose temps to 92. No bueno for buds!
  17. STX.OrganicGuerilla

    250w LED Supersoil v. FF Trio

    Running the light in the tent dry and temps rose to 92. Im guessing air intake and exhaust is necessary. Really didnt want to order more shit.. Any suggestions on temp control?
  18. STX.OrganicGuerilla

    250w LED Supersoil v. FF Trio

    I have seen different charts with the same nutes, why is that? They changed recommendations over time?
  19. STX.OrganicGuerilla

    250w LED Supersoil v. FF Trio

    Max heat recommend during flowering is probably less than 80 right?