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  1. GreenMangrow420

    Seedling Issues

    Thanks again
  2. GreenMangrow420

    Seedling Issues

    Thank you for your help! I'm using RO water hydro. So I'm guessing I'm really high ec for the seedlings. I'm also flood and drain 4x a day. Is that too much watering?
  3. GreenMangrow420

    Seedling Issues

    I have two seedlings with the same issues. The older leaves are getting some brown spots. I was hoping for some suggestions... Nuts- Blue Planet, Farmers Pride- .9 EC, 5.7 PH. But PH keeps creeping up when i check it. It was at 6.4 this evening. Lights- DIY LED- Pulling 200 watts from the wall...
  4. GreenMangrow420

