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  1. N

    Water chillers?

    Check this stuff out, concentrate version. Good stuff ! You can spray the plants with the lights on and or put in your DWC res.
  2. N

    Plants yellowing rapidly first week of flower

    Take them out of those pots and burry the plant down some more into the new pot. Then get some twine or string and bend the top of plant down a bit, the branches should pop up over a couple weeks and voila more colas and a big pot container to sustain your soon to be big girls. Tie the branches...
  3. N

    Plants yellowing rapidly first week of flower

    If you really want to amp them up, put them in a 5G smartpot or 10G fabric pot for flowering. Just an idea. :mrgreen:
  4. N

    Water chillers?

    Run Florakleen after a run, gone.
  5. N

    Sprayed avid on clones 2 days ago, mite eggs still around

    Try different treatments with other methods and products and keep your humidity high if vegging. SM90 ATAK watts transport & rev Neem Oil Sulpher burner or sulpher powder High humidity for a week or 2. (Wet)
  6. N

    Plants yellowing rapidly first week of flower

    Soiless can take a bit longer to respond to changes then DWC. It will respond just tales a little time. 2 to 3 - 4 days
  7. N

    Water chillers?

    Thanks for sharing your experience Mr !
  8. N

    Water chillers?

    Very interesting your view on this but I think it would make most people nervous trying this. I see your point though. Its just not main stream yet. Am taking note though.
  9. N

    Water chillers?

    You are using one of those somewhat new cutting edge DWC setups nice $$$. Plenty DO in those systems. With that system you can get away with bennies allot easier as the way that setup works. No clogging. My LGS has a 6 bucket setup on display in a tent. Its a pretty neat system. Might invest in...
  10. N

    Water chillers?

    That's why I put my res outside the room running the hoses through the wall, but doesnt even help much for heat. Copper & stainless coils are ussualy made for wort cooling in the production of beer. Not really a salty mixture or environment they are going to be in for a long time. Over time...
  11. N

    Oh No My Plants Are TOO Perky!

    He's just joking around obviously... They just want water. That's what they do when they get thirsty lol.
  12. N

    Plants yellowing rapidly first week of flower

    Don't switch to flower nutes right away, keep the vegging nutes going for first two weeks, then taper over to flowering nutes, it needs Nitrogen still as it's still in a vegging state. Make sure they get a little Mg/Cal too, as the plant will use more for the initial stretch. Looking at your...
  13. N

    Guess final yield...

    Skill, experience, dedication and passion will yield. Good luck !
  14. N

    To kill a lacking plant

    You can do it if your careful removing the tangled roots. Run some Grozyme or some root beneficials like Subculture B. This way the dead decaying or rotting roots get eaten by the microbes. Also you'll get rapid fresh rooting at the same time. You can continue to do this throughout the grow or...
  15. N

    Water chillers?

    Stainless and Titanium are safe. Copper and Galvanized steel are not. Salts will corrode those metals and cause toxicity to the water/res.
  16. N

    Water chillers?

    In a perfect world. Try cooling 45 to 100 gallons of nutes with multiple lights and pumps. You need "DO"
  17. N

    Water chillers?

    A water chiller has a inlet and an outlet attachment for hoses. Most require a pump to chill incoming water like the pump you would use for your main res. So you simply use a pump in the res to pump water into the chiller inlet and the outlet of the chiller has the cool water flowing back into...
  18. N

    DWC post-harvest question

    Change your airstones after every 2 grows. 3 max. The airstones will not work as good if you keep using them, as they get clogged up after awhile and from cleaning them. Especially if you run bennies. Take a new stone and put it in a bucket and also a used one from after 2 or 3 grows and...
  19. N

    Random dead spots on otherwise healthy seeming plant

    Early stage of Mg deficiency, boost it a tad more. See the light green squares inside the darker outside square of the leafs.