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  1. tropical

    GEURILLA GROW outdo Maryland!

    Are you just growing 1 plant??
  2. tropical

    How important is it to dig holes separately from planting time?

    This year I think I'm going to go ahead and dig my holes first anyways. I've got some seedlings I'll probably keep inside for another 2 weeks or so, but I'll probably go ahead and get the holes dug sometime this week and put the FFOF into each. I'm going to put some fishing line around the...
  3. tropical

    woke up to find my baby's popping out of the soil! first grow outdoors 2010.

    Have you gotten your first set of 3 bladed leaves yet? I always love my germinated seedlings getting to that stage after a few days to a week after sprouting. They actually start looking like marijuana plants at that point. Are you not using any form of inside lighting? 2-26 watt CFL's would...
  4. tropical

    How important is it to dig holes separately from planting time?

    What about with Fox Farm's Ocean Forest?? I've never had a problem just digging the holes and transplanting right after with that stuff. I guess it may be different if you are using your own soil mix with "fresh" bone meal, blood meal, etc.
  5. tropical

    Debating changing to HPS

    Yeah, you really have nothing to worry about as far as heat and power consumption being too high just using one 600 Watt HPS. Switching to a 600W HPS is not going to put you in anymore danger than you are in right now. The only difference is you will get bigger and denser bud.
  6. tropical

    what type of light to be used growing lowrider??

    You want to start off with a 6000-6500k spectrum. When you start seeing flowers, then you want to switch to a much lower spectrum. Having the lights on 24 hrs/day will not make up for not having a high intensity light source. If you are going to use CFL's I recommend getting as many in there...
  7. tropical

    my bitches

    Snoopy, that's a good idea. A lot of those leafs should get frosty by harvest time. I think you'll be surprised at how much bubble hash you'll be able to make from all that. The stuff will be strong as hell too. You'll kick yourself for never doing it before.
  8. tropical

    Should this be enough light?

    Hi, I'm starting my plants indoors inside a small ~ 1'x2'x1' plastic storage box. I've got everything airtight except for the air intake vent (basically just a small hole I cut at the bottom of one ends of the box). There is an exhaust fan on the other end closer to the top that has been...
  9. tropical

    my bitches

    Sweet man, I think you'll get what you're looking for. I think the more interesting question is how much hash you will get off alll of those leaves?? What kind of hash are you planning on making??
  10. tropical

    How much did you yield from your last outdoor grow?

    0 grams....Got my plants cut down by an asshole late last season. Had some Thai Super Skunks in a different location and they wouldn't finish in time. They needed at least 2+ more months and it was November by that time. I'm not even going to count what came off of those, because it didn't...
  11. tropical

    These are the woods they will grow up in... svchop889 2010 outdoors:

    Yeah, I had some Thai Super Skunk freebies growing outdoors last year. Things seemed like almost pure sativa. The things got about 10 feet tall and still probably needed another 2 months to finish flowering by the time it got too cold in November.
  12. tropical

    Easiest plant to grow?

    So, I'm seeing a lot of the old school strains. Seems logical, since so many crosses are made with these strains.
  13. tropical

    Rutland the smallest county in england (the story so far)

    That looks nice man. Is your whole yard fenced off?
  14. tropical

    Easiest plant to grow?

    I know, but some plants seem a little bit harder to stress out from my experiences.
  15. tropical

    These are the woods they will grow up in... svchop889 2010 outdoors:

    I would bring them in. The other night it got down in the upper 30's here and there were frost warnings everywhere. I'm hoping its the last frost of the season. Ive heard your region is pretty good for growing.
  16. tropical

    Rutland the smallest county in england (the story so far)

    you mind giving the name of the seed bank you got those durban poison's from?? I'm thinking about getting some and don't want to get them from that site. Out of 20 none germ'd?? Did the seeds even look viable?
  17. tropical

    Growing indoor strains outdoors - am I wasting my time?

    Yeah, give those branches a good shaking after a heavy rain.
  18. tropical

    These are the woods they will grow up in... svchop889 2010 outdoors:

    I was thinking you were down south here too. I'm in NC and the soil looks a lot like that.
  19. tropical

    Easiest plant to grow?

    As long as they are viable they are all pretty easy to grow. Some just take a lot more patience. Some are more sensitive to certain things like nutes as well.
  20. tropical

    Growing indoor strains outdoors - am I wasting my time?

    Yes they will grow. Probably grow pretty well too, depending on where you are located.