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  1. tropical

    Short Rider Smell

    Just wait till you dry it and cure it man. That stuff should really be fumin' by then. Good luck.
  2. tropical

    mystery pests

    The white trails are probably from aphids. Bartfark..What region do you live in?
  3. tropical

    Easiest plant to grow?

    I've heard that blueberry is a bit tougher to grow than most strains. Its more fickle or something.
  4. tropical

    HELP!! i think my plants growing bananas!

    Post some close ups of what you are concerned about. Looks like a normal female plant that is flowering. You might want to add some stronger lights if you want those buds to become really compact.
  5. tropical

    Autoflowering ???

    No, its not harmful for them to be together. The only issue I can see is with the strength of the lighting source. You might have a mature auto-flowering plant under a 400 watt HPS, but I wouldn't expose a sprouting seedling to that. Maybe just setup a small box to start your seedlings out...
  6. tropical


    I've heard most people say the main thing it does is increases crystal production. I think its a lot of over-priced hype. You can buy cheaper nutes that will do the same thing basically.
  7. tropical

    These are the woods they will grow up in... svchop889 2010 outdoors:

    Looks like a perfect spot from all the pics I've seen. Should get a lot of light and still be very stealthy. I think I will try out the soap, dog hair and fishing line around my spot (oh and I'll piss around the area everytime I go out, just for the heck of it). I really like the fishing line...
  8. tropical

    Developing a great root system?

    You can look up a technique called root slicing. However, if the plants are doing really well already, I don't think there's any need to worry about it. Just treat them right and they should turn out great.
  9. tropical

    These are the woods they will grow up in... svchop889 2010 outdoors:

    I'm not an expert on pest and animal control, hopefully that will work for you. Did you hear about dog hair working from a good source? My dog sheds tons of hair. I constantly have to vacuum it up. I might put it to work when I transplant outdoors.
  10. tropical

    Easiest plant to grow?

    I had some Durban about 5 or 6 years back from a dealer. Wasn't the most potent weed in the world, but truly a great high. Who do you get your Durban seeds from?? I might throw that into the mix. Thanks.
  11. tropical

    These are the woods they will grow up in... svchop889 2010 outdoors:

    Deer are my biggest worry too. I'm going to piss all around my site every time I go out. I'm not sure how well it actually works. But try marking your territory.
  12. tropical

    Easiest plant to grow?

    What's the easiest strain you've ever grown outdoors? A strain that held up to rookie mistakes, bad weather, and other problems, but still continued to grow and finished like a champ? The easiest strain I've ever grown has to be Skunk #1. Its an extremely stable plant and a strain used in...
  13. tropical

    Early flowering and Reveg

    In the next couple of weeks, with the days getting longer, you very well might see some new growth developing and vegging up around the bud sites.
  14. tropical

    Early flowering and Reveg

    I understand your situation completely. You should be able to harvest and have the plant regenerate and go into veg. I was forced to put a flowering plant outside one time and after a couple weeks I harvested the bud. By this time it had shot up a lot of new growth. You can get several...
  15. tropical

    Growing in short summer locations

    Sounds like you already have a very nice lineup there. I wish I had a caregiver like you lol.
  16. tropical

    3 plants 1 container--What to do?!

    Good luck...What you transplanting them into?? Let us know how it goes.
  17. tropical


    I love plants that have skunk or better yet, the original skunk #1 crossed into it. For some reason these plants usually grow so much easier from my experience. If you want a stress-free grow, get a cross with the real skunk #1 in it. Better yet just get some Skunk #1.
  18. tropical

    3 plants 1 container--What to do?!

    Is there anyway you can cut 3 slices and get them out one-by-one. If they are small then they shouldn't have much of a root structure. You might just have to perform a little bit of careful surgery on each then transplant them to separate containers. A tiny, tiny bit of superthrive after...
  19. tropical


    I live in NC. I used to do that when I was a bit younger. I'm a cancer patient (29 yrs old), so I've kind of fallin' out of that scene. I just want to grow a few plants this year so I have a good supply on hand at all times.
  20. tropical

    My first decent size grow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!69!!!!!!!

    cubic can look up the conversions to gallons etc on google or something. By the way, that's a lot of plants. Do you have help?