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  1. tyson53

    Test your harvesting eyes !!!! Are they ready?

    not ready yet....keep checking the trics...she will let you know when its time...there is no true way to say how long you have...its guessing...your lady tells you when ready...i have had plants that were clear on monday and by sat sun they were 5% amber rest just have to check her..
  2. tyson53

    Gage Green Group Info Thread

    i always wanted to try some gage green stuff...after reading this thread i am convinced...some nice stuff that was put up on here,,,after looking at his gear..he had a strain with some C99 in it..but no longer..I love the C99...but I seen a few that intrest me.... Now..has any one grew these...
  3. tyson53

    Help for medicating my mom - Osteoarthritis and Sjögren's syndrome can infuse coconut oil and fill capsules....and then refridgerate them...since the oil liquidates at low temps...My son makes me some infused olive oil I use on salads I eat an medicate at the same time...what about hard candies,,you may need to find her a hi CBD strain low...
  4. tyson53

    miracle-gro? why not?

    when i moved to my present home...30 years ago...there were no grow shops here..its in the boondocks....all i had for soil was my rich dirt and peat moss or go to a garden center and get stuff like hoffmans or MG soils....I grew in MG soils before...all we had beside my dirt in the...
  5. tyson53

    Leaves brittle and beginning to canoe and twist

    dont go by them test kits....the reagents in them as they get old are inaccurate...they degrade...some have dates on them to show freshness....last year i had a bad ph swing in a peat soil mix...and what i did was take a milk jug 1 gallon....added about 10 tablespoons of fine powdered lime...and...
  6. tyson53

    miracle-gro? why not?

    back in the day say 40+ years there was available was MG..Shultz...peters...and fish I went with MG since the name and pics on only bag seeds back seed banks...I planted down by the river where there was good least i hoped it was...i...
  7. tyson53

    Old Tea

    your welcome ....cheaper this way in the long much waste in RO water..I use to use it for my saltwater reef tanks....I wasted 250 gallons of water to make 100....thats a waste of water....I am sure they have improved some..but still wasteing water is not cool...some day it will be like...
  8. tyson53

    Question for the heavy smokers about vaporizers

    i use the extreme Q also..its a great vape for the money....the high is different than a get a body high and a head high...and it depends solely on the quality of the bud also...I am very happy with it....I cant take the choke and cough of bongs no more....some mornings i just fill...
  9. tyson53

    Attitude Sept Promo - Cali Connection

    I hope your right.....but strange his seeds are out of stock in a lot of places...and ones that have them are no names to who knows hold old the stock is....he use to have a web page ..its gone least I cnt find it..and th FB page is not his....
  10. tyson53

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    well its a vigorous grower not a lot of leaf veg on thats a plus trim time....and its a fast began in first week of jully and one third week...the one thats the farthest along looks intense right now...rock hard bubs..covered in trics...smells like a candy type fuel....i...
  11. tyson53

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    happy girl..looking good....i have some that will go to mid oct myself..hope the weather holds up....and some done end of this month....and one in greenhouse that may have to go till Nov...grrrr...its a Thai sativa...but looks great....jut have to see who the plant gods bless us....hopeing for a...
  12. tyson53

    Attitude Sept Promo - Cali Connection

    I do like OG's gear...some great genetics...and fire...Herbies is all out of them and the tube olny has a few..rumor is once gone thats it....he is doing CC stuff now..thats to bad....
  13. tyson53

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    it poured for about 45 minutes and then a rain time was just over an hour....but some crazy wind before the was like a 15 degree temp drop...and fast..i went out to the greenhouse this morn to make sure fns were on..I leave one door open..I walked in and there were 4...
  14. tyson53

    Old Tea

    just use some de chlorinator great..get at any aquarium store.....if your water has chloramine ..bubbling dont help..need that product i told you of....and its not expensive and alot goes a long ways...
  15. tyson53

    Attitude Sept Promo - Cali Connection

    last time I did CC seeds...i had 3 herms out of 5 strains outdoors...but good to hear swerve has picked up his game if true..I heard OG rascal teamed with him so maybe thats why things are looking better....
  16. tyson53

    Old Tea

    if it smells like bad ass ..get rid of it...and why are you using chlorinated water...your killing any bennies you gained with the tea....your defeating the purpose of a good tea....
  17. tyson53

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    skunkpharm is one of the better 701 sites...some good extraction people there....and tons of knowledge there...just be safe while doing BHO ..seen some tragic endings...
  18. tyson53

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    Marco did you get the winds with the rain....we had serious winds...I spent awhile tying up some stuff before the storm..and sprayed some pro tek on the plants to ward off any mold from the rain...but nice out today...used a leaf blower to dry off the buds...the 9 pound hammer is so far along...
  19. tyson53

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    cannabis is a pretty tuff plant...can take some abuse...I have snapped so many limbs this year an just taped them and within a week all healed...I found when an area gets damaged I just mix some kelp solution and brush the damaged area with it..seems to help to recover very fast....
  20. tyson53

    GanjaGarden On Side of Mountain in Spain ×xXMISSXx×

    Had a wicked storm last night..glad i had things tied up...was crazy 9 pound hammer is so bud loaded surprised no branches broke...i spent an hour tying them up before storm....all looked go this morn....had to use leaf blower to get water off the buds..they were drenched..cant have...