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  1. tyson53

    What can I use during flowering to increase P & k.

    the triple phosphate takes so long to break down...its more for ammending soils when you mix them....if nothing around you ..try a garden center and get some jack's and effective....its not organic if thats what you are looking for..but does the job well with very little salt build...
  2. tyson53

    how do you see my plants?

    that soil looks like its compacting..what soil is need a light soil for seedlings..the first root growth is important...and you say your going to fertilize next week..I would wait a bit longer ..if you want just add some liquid kelp and water ...let soil dry a bit between watering..dont...
  3. tyson53

    600w: Bay 11, Green Crack, Martian Kush, Snowcap LA, and White Fire OG

    i did well with the snowcap outside with no very little spot...i have a fan house outside (rain proof) with a fan blowing on the outside plants..its a huge keeps the dew down and dries the rain also AFTER it stops....greenhouse the same way...4 fans... I have battled...
  4. tyson53

    600w: Bay 11, Green Crack, Martian Kush, Snowcap LA, and White Fire OG

    Very nice grow..i am going to do the bay 11 outdoors next year...seeing yours made me want to pop the Bay next year... i grew the snowcap outdoors last year..was crazy...grew like a monster..buds were rock solid and sugered beyond belief...and smelled like fruity pop tarts...was so
  5. tyson53

    Extended sweat period with bovida packs

    I use the Bovida's also....the 62's....I place bud in the jars and burp for the first to second week...the chloraphyl still kinda breaks down and gasses off some during that time period...then when RH is stable I store in a dark cool place...the meter stays good at 62%....then once a month I...
  6. tyson53

    Any way to curb plant width?

    bend your branches up half way down the branch..then train them to grow upwards..just dont snap them.. go slow....done this many times...they heal fast...
  7. tyson53

    may my seedlings need nutes?

    sorry Ace..I miss read the post...but I myself have burnt seedlings with ocean forest before..I usally use either Black gold seedling mix or Dr earth seedling mix or Hoffmans seed starter mix...some soils with nutes in them are not consistant..example Fox Farm just had one dirt mill on the west...
  8. tyson53

    My Own soil Mix n Teas, please advise

    to the soil add some bone meal...and add epsoma Bio tone to get the soil alive and also some Epsoma plant tone and some crab meal and some rare earth powder...use the crab meal in the teas also....good source of chitosan.....all you need to what U have listed....No guano in the said...
  9. tyson53

    may my seedlings need nutes?

    Ace it depemds on where you live what kelp products are available....i buy 60LB bags of kelp meal..100% comes from Maine...its 55.00 a the kicker of it...its used to put in animal feed...its very fine ground great...I use neptune brand liquid as my foliar ..and...
  10. tyson53

    may my seedlings need nutes?

    i would water with a 50% kelp water solution..its great to develope roots and also the growth hormones in it will provide structure for healthy will not burn your it once a week...then as they grow bigger add more kelp to your solution....I am sure you get Maxi Crop there...
  11. tyson53

    trying some thing new this year...with very good results...

    Ok..this may sound crazy to some and good to others....but its been working for me great .. it all started lat year when i want to increase the micro herd in my grows...I grow outside in a green house and also outside in dirt pots...Any ways i want to get my soil pumped in micros...I do add...
  12. tyson53

    How many pounds should I get?

    you may need a dump truck to haul that crop in...better get on craigslist to find trimmers.....just bustin you...just have fun growing and be greatful what ever the plant gods give you....was more than you had....its all about refining your grow abilities and being on top of your game...I have...
  13. tyson53

    Mandala seeds satori grow

    i am very interested in this strain..has any one did a full blown outdoor grow with it..i want to try it in the root pots ...and if you did what was the floweing time in weeks...i have heard so much about this great strain...but most were indoor grows...also whats the...
  14. tyson53

    What strain is best for Fibromyalgia?

    Yessica is spot on with edibles for fibro....i have Lyme Disease which is very close to fibro...Chem dog worked for me and also Blue dream..and also Snowcap..I believe snow cap have been changed to a new name now... but i get better relief from edibles than smoking..except when i vape ..that...
  15. tyson53

    Hey, you! come pick my next grow, please.

    two nie strains to add...C99 by female seeds ...great producer and early finisher...the other is Purple maroc...I never grew this strain ..but seen some great grow reports on it..and early finisher also and great producer.... i been doing the C99 for a few years..grows some crazy flowers..some...
  16. tyson53

    Bud rot \ mold ????? Help please

    thats toast....make sure you wash hands before touching any other plants...if thats a indoor grow get some hand sanitizer and use every time you touch rot and handle another plat...or you just spread it
  17. tyson53

    How do You Sprout Seeds?!

    I been using the root riot cubes...and have worked well....i open the hole with a the seed with the caldera to the them in a tray with water little liquid kelp and some H&G roots acellerartor ..and a heat mat...and bammm..popped...there is no handling the seed when...
  18. tyson53

    Homemade electric scissors

    has any one ever tried some electric sheep shears...they look like they could work good on the manicure stage
  19. tyson53

    Bud Rot Outdoors Questions

    bud rot is hard to be..but can be controlled to a point....the milk wont do thing..good for PM but not the Bot....greencure will kill spores on the plant...actinovite should be used as a preventive...water it in while in flower before they are prone to the rot....its a systemic fungicide and...
  20. tyson53

    white hairs turning red early

    sometime the nutes if to strong will burn the pistils...start off like 1/4 strength at first and see how she likes it..then work up to 1/2 and so on..also if you foliar spray with some kelp it helps bring them alive...not the ones that brown but the new growth...kelp works wonders on new growth...