Search results

  1. tyson53

    Botrytis? (Outdoor)

    if your plants are in your yard...use a leaf blower to blow the moisture off after a rain....I use it to blow the dew and rain off ..dont get real close just enough to blow the water off...
  2. tyson53

    Botrytis? (Outdoor)

    you can mist bud rot areas with H2o2..trim off the rot and spray with peroxide/water mix....peroxide is a oxidizer and will kill spores.....I used it last year on some rot areas...but I forget the ratio of the 3% stuff....careful with the hydro stuff its like 37% and will burn if you dont mix...
  3. tyson53

    Botrytis? (Outdoor)

    thats budrot for sure had it alot....any insect droppings laying on the bud or a DEAD BUG will trigger it...also the dew at night will do it...and rain...use green cure or if you have a wine an brewing store near you..get some potassium bi carbonate there..same as green cure..way...
  4. tyson53

    Ace of spades and Jesus OG

    I grew ace of spades last year...was real nice...come sept it went a crazy purple ,,trics and flowers...and it was fire...grew it outdoors and all loved fish emulsion..neptunes brand....when i walked near it it yelled Feed is funny..some have piss poor luck with TGA...
  5. tyson53

    northeast outdoor 2014

    the jamican dream is just starting to rage...she is in the green outside ones popped off flowers earlier than the plastic may be getting old and filtering out some rays...but in no rush ... been doing a little experiment lately...I had a old 2 gallon sprayer...
  6. tyson53

    Crisis in the Ukraine

    you cant change the stripes on a tiger..Putin is a hardliner and always will be....he is a commie at heart and retains the mentality as one..just like in the days of the Red army leaders..take what you want and need screw every one else....this will result in a great pissing match...and lots...
  7. tyson53

    northeast outdoor 2014

    I am real interested in the Marocs..I read lots of good grow reports on it..I also live in the NE and plan on some Marocs next year outdoors....if you have a pic of them filled out would love to see them.....this year i did some 9 pound hammer...cindy99 old Grimm seeds...sweeet thai...headband...
  8. tyson53

    Female Seeds C99?

    I have grown the FMS C99 for the last few years and its top shelf....I was looking thru my seed vault and found some old Bros grimm C99 this year..they popped..and growing now..I had 2 but popped one... but the Female seed C99 is great ..has a pineapple scent...and the high is part...
  9. tyson53

    NorthEast USA Outdoor Yields

    I have some strains that started flower end of July...its crazy..but a good thing...its not been humid this summer but dew point is a killer...plants covered in dew in morning..not good when full bud the bud worm season starts..been using BT spray as a preventive or any that snuck in...
  10. tyson53

    Northern Growers - What are you running this season?

    this year I played with a few strain.... 9 pound hammer old grimm bro cindy 99 they popped grand daddy purp from ken sweet thai critical ++ jamican dream Ace of spades pinot noir..but it was a male..but saving the pollen to play on some plants.... the 9 pound is ripping..hundreds of buds the...
  11. tyson53

    northeast outdoor 2014

    I have 9 plants outside in dirt pots...and some are in full flower now..buds as big as grapes...some just starting to show sex and some with just pistils showing...I have 8 different strains going ... 9 pound hammer 2 ace of spades 1 grand daddy blueberry 1 Sweet thia jamican dream critical...
  12. tyson53

    Whole plant was ate by deer! Can i do anything now?

    next year get some coyote urine and some old film canisters...fill it with cotton and drill some large holes in the top and place near plants..refresh it every time you keeps lots of critters away.....also if you in good with the local barber get all the hair sweepings and put near...
  13. tyson53

    Questions about caterpillars in Veg.

    its that time of the year in the North East for bud worms...a few plants are in full bud..some are in transition...the ones in transition I used azamax with pyrethrum..I had flea beatles and some killed the cats with in hours....and no more flea beatles...the ones in bud I used BT..and...
  14. tyson53

    actinovate need help

    I use 1 tsp per gallon for foliar ...same for root drench....worked good for me last year...had very limited bud rot and no PM...
  15. tyson53

    Budworms I think?

    during flower or really any time...Spinosad works I have used BT and it does kill the smaller new cats ..but not the eggs...only thing with spinosad late into flower can make your bud taste like said use mighty wash before harvest...
  16. tyson53

    The Lost Art of Foliar Feeding

    Why would you spray buds with water...especially near finish time...bad info.thats a good way to promote bud rot.. good reading on folair feeding
  17. tyson53

    The Lost Art of Foliar Feeding

    Foliar feeding with a compost tea is probally the best way to feed plants and also protect them from insects and disease...make a tea with some EWC..ancient forest..kelp..alfalpha meal..and some Neptune fish/seaweed fert...brew it for about 24-36 hours...strain it...spray plants getting...
  18. tyson53

    Any good organic nutrients from Lowes/Home Depot?

    I dont think they have Neptune there,,but most good garden centers sell it.... I just brewed a tea last week with EWC...compost..ancient forest..kelp meal and some alfalpha meal and Neptune Fish/seaweed fert..brewed 36 hours...cut it about 50% with water when done...with in 3 days after applying...
  19. tyson53

    Any good organic nutrients from Lowes/Home Depot?

    If you use a fish emulsion thats be processed by hydroslate you get every thing in the fert..micros included..NEPTUNE is a good fish fert...they have a fish and seaweed mix that does a great job on cannabis...Alaska fish fert cooks thier fish so lose some bennies ...I been using epsoma and...
  20. tyson53

    Chitin, Chitoson and Chitinase

    last year was my first year trying chitosan...i got the neptune crab shell meal...hit it in a blender a bit to break it down a bit more then mixed it in my dirt bags with compost....had the best buds ever....and no seems it helped in the plants defense system and made the plant use the...