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  1. Growan

    The curse of witzelsucht

    I'm sooooo European.
  2. Growan

    The curse of witzelsucht

    I once got it together with the German teachers daughter, in France on a school exchange. It didn't help my grades while I was nobbing her or after we broke up. So what was the fucking point?
  3. Growan

    The curse of witzelsucht

    Or more rarely, Germany Memesels.
  4. Growan

    The curse of witzelsucht

    Sufferers of this condition are often also afflicted by episodes of the Memesels.
  5. Growan

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    Looks like I picked a good day to log in again.
  6. Growan

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    .....a few more days on the road and then it's back to the homestead. A month of not too much excitement, not quite enough space and barely enough time to achieve all goals. Boy starts back at school on Monday and I've got a hundred jobs to get stuck into. Gonna need to make some money...
  7. Growan


    I have such a Tank Horn
  8. Growan


    Yup. This is the place to procrastinate. I just woke up at 3am and thought it might be time to dip my toe into the Sea of TnT. Now I'm gonna find some utter drivel cult sci fi on Netflix (cherry 2000 looks awesome) and hopefully drift off into disturbing dreams. Long drive tomorrow...
  9. Growan


    Thank you Clayton. The tail end of the Year of the Goat turned out a little sour for sure. I ain't gonna moan about it. Nobody likes to listen to that. Been keeping busy, now it's time to find time to be less productive and kick it with you fuckers once in a while.
  10. Growan


  11. Growan

    Avi tribute to Pinworm

    I just came back here to confirm the rumor. Seems it's true. I'm leaving again now.
  12. Growan

    Lets go visit Growan

    Shit sticks, man. :)
  13. Growan

    Lets go visit Growan

    You make a fair point. I shovelled up all the rubble some time back and the tin roof has been ripped off and is now Spanish slate. The shower 'cubicle' is built out of leftover roofing materials, but is totally bespoke and unique. No, really.
  14. Growan

    Lets go visit Growan

    I bought a new car. It has 7 seats. That means I need 6 of you so we can go cruisin for leprechauns.
  15. Growan

    R.I.P. Lemmy

    I just heard this myself. I'm going to do all the amphetamine I have in tribute
  16. Growan

    Winter flu? Cold? Snuffles? Growan's got a cure for you.

    Bumping this thread, as I've been feeling a bit of a gruff old Billy Goat, and this shit works every time. If you're feeling under the weather, give it a shot. You'll either be cured or beyond caring in no time. :)
  17. Growan

    The Good Idea Thread.

    It's like Chewberto graced us with his presence!
  18. Growan

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Cheese Bukakke, best strain name ever!
  19. Growan

    3 jew things

    Er....I went to school with a kid called Murray.... I could be an honorary Jew?
  20. Growan

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Yeah, and I've only heard good things about Reserva Privada. Time will tell....