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  1. 4

    My Super Grow Room

    shit, what a nice grow. all i got is a small closet with 8 4-ft cfl bulbs. my babies got sick, seemed like nutrient lock. hopefully they'll pull through. cant wait to see your yield.
  2. 4

    my babies aren't doin so good

    As Ive mentioned in an earlier post, I started this with a friend, and he was the one that put soil in the cups and planted the first half of them. I made him put more soil in the other half. an update on the leaf condition though: Those spots are really dry and I rubbed it just a little and it...
  3. 4

    my babies aren't doin so good

    Here are the pics. It wasnt my camera so I couldnt figure out how to get any closer. These are of my actual setup and of some of my babies. Im pretty proud of my set up. You can see the brown spots on that one picture. As far as set up, I got one light on top, two on the sides for...
  4. 4

    my babies aren't doin so good

    I put drainage holes in the cups, even slits on the very bottomside of the cup. So theres plenty of drainage. This grow has kind of evolved into an experiment. I started it on a whim, "just cuz". Hopefully with the help of everyone here I will pull these through and next time Ill be much better...
  5. 4

    my babies aren't doin so good

    thanks misshestermoffitt, im reading your thread now about iris and sadie. diggin the cfls, cuz thats how im workin mine right now. ill have the pics up in a bit
  6. 4

    my babies aren't doin so good

    thanks. so once I get a nute free soil, how do I go about feeding when I water, like what exactly should I buy? I know the veg stage requires more nitrogen and the flowering stage requires more phosphorus I think, but what fert should I get for my needs?
  7. 4

    my babies aren't doin so good

    Ive read Fox Farm on other threads, but I dont know what that is. And is it ok for me to water with bottles spring water? cuz thats what ive been using. when i get a chance im gonna buy a water and/or soil ph test kit. but i have to be careful cuz of my other room mates, so i have to be picky...
  8. 4

    my babies aren't doin so good

    Im a complete beginner, what exactly are nutes? is that just a generic name for fertilizer? sorry for the dumb question.
  9. 4

    my babies aren't doin so good

    how bad will it be if i replant in miracle grow potting soil. its the stuff has a 3-month time release. I have a friend doing this with me, although hes not as into it, but he bought the soil, and that was before I researched some stuff.
  10. 4

    my babies aren't doin so good

    thanks deeznuts11. can I get blood meal at someplace like Lowes or Home Depot?
  11. 4

    my babies aren't doin so good

    Im really happy this many people have showed interest in my problem. ill get pics definitely later tonight. thanks to everyone so far.
  12. 4

    my babies aren't doin so good

    it looks like its mostly the original leaves, the round ones, that are yellow. but overall, they seem a bit paler than they used to be, which would suggest nitrogen deficiency, but i just dont know for sure. pics will be up in a few hours. i only have a few pots at the moment, so i can only re...
  13. 4

    my babies aren't doin so good

    Im growing in my closet, with 4ft cfls. its not as fancy as hps, but for the space I have and money spent on it, Im happy with how my set up is. A light on top and two on the sides, all three are adjustable thanks to some ingenuity on my part.
  14. 4

    my babies aren't doin so good

    Ill have pictures up hopefully some time tonight, gotta charge the camera. thanks for stopping by. I really dont want to lose my babies.
  15. 4

    my babies aren't doin so good

    I am a first time grower. I didn't really plan it out much, some seeds fell in my lap and I got em to sprout tossed em in some miracle grow potting soil (yes I hear that was a mistake). I never intended to be serious about it honestly, just thought I'd see what happens. They started out ok...